i have many intrests, but i really enjoy teaching this awesome group of fifth and sixth graders on wednsday nights... that to me is gold i also like to play bass, and i love art stuff- like graphics, ceramics, blah, blah....
most of the people i'd like to meet are dead... so yea....yea...
my absolute favorite band is muse, and from there i like basicly whatever, mostly of what i listen to revolves in the rock genre though. if you know me, then we both know i'm usualy doing something "music related" ....it's the way i think a few other favorites are :: the strokes+red hot chilli peppers+coldplay+the beatles+wilco+U2+jamaroquai+cake+switchfoot+jack johnson+gorillaz+bloc party+metric+audio a.+dc talk+sara groves+starsailor+........ (the leadjund?)- haha good stuff
the matrix is my favorite movie (people seem to always ask people this question... and it's not always an easy one to answer because there's only a couple kazillion movies... anyhow the matrix is my favorite because the story is brillant!) triplets of bellville+ monty python - quest for holy grail+ the jacket+ narnia+ the lord of the rings ( and the old cartoon hobbit movie)- that old movie rocks so hardcore!+
i dont really watch much tv....
i like to read...-my favorite novel/book would be Out of the scilent planet, written by C.S. Lewis (personally i think he's brillant... i like reading his books)- last year i read the Bible and that was something crazy because i'm not very good at finnishing thing that i start, God is good! - other good books that i'd recomend: velvet elvis + improving your serve+ lord of the rings trilogy+ 20,000 leagues under the sea+ out of scilent planet trilogy skrewtape letters+ ... there's more but i cant think of em today...
I want to be like JESUS!