JonnyC! profile picture


We are all the same people, With sinning hearts that makes us equal!

About Me

Well lets see here..I go to an extremely lame school...with alot of lame people ..i play soccer's NUMBER pretty tall...and pretty skinny but thats A o.k......IM THE BIG 1-8!!!.......half mexicano/half white boy...athletic...ima christian...believe in it 100%..even though alot of times i aint on the right path....but i try..well thats all for now folks...later Favorite show of all time!! Thats right son! MySpace Slideshow Upload Images MySpace Glitters MySpace Editor Photo Collage

My Interests

Soccer....Baseball...Football....Girls.....Sports overall.....

I'd like to meet:

UNDEROATH! Kendell from the Road Rules/Real World Inferno. Kristin Kreuk would be nice too and Jessica Alba would be GRRRRRRRRREAT!..O YA CANT FORGET LC FROM LAGUNA BEACH!!!.........


O man this is gonna take a while.......Senses Fail, Static Lullaby, Linkin Park, The Used, Dashboard Confessional,Hidden in PLain View, Fallout Boy, Armor for Sleep,Silverstein, As I Lay Dying, Funeral for a Friend,Nevea Tears, Dead Poetic, Story of the Year, Taking Back Sunday,Matchbook Romance, Emery, Plain White T's, Emanuel, Hawthorne Heights, UnderOath,POD, Saves the Day, The Starting Line, AFI, Finch,The Lost Prophets,and thats pretty much my rock stuff....that I can remember anyways.... I also like a lil rap..r&b but I dont feel like writing them cuz rap/r&b isnt that important to me...I'm pretty open to any kind of music....Rod Stewart is pretty relaxing...haha...But ya Ill prob add more later.....


Lets see here......Scary Movie 1 and 2, American History X,Dont be a Menace to South Central while Drinking Your Juice in the Hood, The Rocky Series, Patch Adams, Rush hour 1 and 2, 4 Brothers, Mrs. Doubtfire, Bad Boys 2...And thats all I can think of right now....


As seen on Break.comOf Mice and Men is the best book of allllll time! Thats like the only book I've ever read by myself lol



My Blog

Who is a true christian?

It seems no matter what is said, or done on this website I see and hear of people wondering/speculating/ judging who is a christian and who isn't. I honestly don't even want to give this subject anymo...
Posted by What is LOVE without SACRAFICE!!!!! on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 01:12:00 PST


Please do this. Fill it out - 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How l...
Posted by What is LOVE without SACRAFICE!!!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Do you think you know me?

THIS IS A SURVEY WITH A TWIST - YOU fill in the blanksabout ME and >send it BACK TO ME, but first send a BLANK one out toall your >friends >(INCLUDING ME) so they can return the favor to you....
Posted by What is LOVE without SACRAFICE!!!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

You WONT believe it

OMG im sooo excited and in shock STILL! i was at my sisters house for my bro in laws bday party and i went outside cus supposebly my mom needed a bag from the car and i ran out side and too the car an...
Posted by What is LOVE without SACRAFICE!!!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST