Profile Generator
Ok well I'm Steph.
I have brown eyes, and blondey brown hair. Im an ok height.
I work in WHSmiths in Bristol airport.
I'm a gymnast and train 8 hours a week after school. Have done since I was 6.
I like to be sarcastic and take the piss alot.
Im not keen on people that walk really really slowly infront of me or people that have no common sense.
I say house-coat and not dressing-gown......Randomly.
These 3 familiar people plus myself, are the gang.
We can laugh and laugh and laugh....and continue to laugh until we no longer know why we are laughing, and the people around us think were crazy. Well truth is, we are.
Its a fact of life.
Paddy - I may be lame and indecisive. But he likes me somehow. He has interesting driving techniques which results in whacks which serve him right.
So that pretty much sums me up. The End.