Lacking sufficient wealth to meet basic human needsCaused by lack of essential resources, lack of education and oppression etc.
Results in ill health, depression and potentially even death. Can also stimulate crime and civil unrest.ExploitationUnfair treatment of peopleOccurs when social, financial or physical power is used to force weak members of society to work for the benefit of the powerful, to the detriment of themselves.
Causes the powerful to become more powerful, and the weak to become weaker.
Usually occurs by physically exploiting people as labour, or by exploiting them financially.
Increases the gap between rich and poor and encourages civil unrest.Ill Health - Mental and Physical
Poor condition of the mind or bodyCaused by poor diet, lack of exercise, pollution/poisoning, physical strain, injury, stress, lack of mental stimulation, lack of purpose, lack of pleasure etc.
Both physical and mental health can be affected by all aspects of the physical environment and are strongly interlinked. Mental wellbeing is strongly affected by personal relationships.
Leads to reduced productivity. Ill health can become a downward sprial if not dealt with, and can eventually lead to death.Lack of Essential ServicesInsufficient systems to provide for the essential needs of the populationCan result from existing poverty, bad government, lack of community responsibility, crime, natural disasters/circumstances etc.
If the basic needs of the population are not met, they will be in a weak position do their jobs, care for their families etc. This exacerbates the degradation of the society, increases poverty and crime.Civil UnrestRebellion of citizens against systems and organisationsCaused by feeling of poor management, neglect or exploitation amongst other things.
Causes disruption to services and can radically change or even eliminate organisations considered to be failing society.CrimeCommitting of acts forbidden by lawCaused by poverty, lack of education, social tensions, exploitation, lack of opportunity etc.
Most acts opf crime degrade quality of life for others in society or place an increased burden on public services.DepressionFeeling of unhappiness and hopelessnessCaused by poor treatment, poor health, lack of opportunity, exploitation, isolation etc.
Reduces productivity and quality of life.