Clairessa profile picture


MuSic Is LifE, LiFe Is LoVe, LoVe iS mUsIc

About Me

MySpace Profile Photo Editor Live as if you will never die, Love as if you never been hurt, Dance as if no one is watching!!! LET THERE BE RAVE!!!

My Interests

SpInNiNg ReCoRdS, DaNcInG, BeAdIng,mUsIc, AstRolOgY,tHe PlAneTs,ThE mOoN, BUBBLES BITCHES, HiPpIeS*because we all know there the true ravers, SeWiNg, ArT, sCuLpTiNg, TrAvElInG, iBiZa SpAiN, ScRaPBoOkInG, aNd MuCh MuCh MORE...

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I am not so much a movie person, I can't ever sit still enough to watch them or they just don't interest me and I fall asleap.


I hate TV I don't really watch it, I think it brain washes you and it's to much of a mind f*c* about society.. if there's anything I like to watch its national geo., history, and animal planet other wise im to damn busy and got better things to do then sit on my ass and watch TV.

My Blog

KaNdi Is DaNdi

WikIpEdiAs dEfiNitiOn oF a KaNdI rAvEr ~A cAnDy rAvEr (SoMeTimEs "KAnDy rAvEr", "kAnDi rAvEr" Or "CaNdYkiD") Is A rAvE AttEndEE WhO eXcHaNgEs oR sHarEs sMalL GiFts, pRiMaRilY bEaDs, nEcKlAcEs, bRac...
Posted by Clairessa on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:52:00 PST