Juan Punchy Gonzalez profile picture

Juan Punchy Gonzalez

All is possible if you want it enough.....

About Me

Musician type with a slight Napoleon complex. I love music, movies, gaming, technology, and making art with computers.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

This is the music video I just finished Directing/Producing for Nuclear Blast Recording Artists : Nile

Nile "Papyrus Containing the Spell to Preserve it's Possessor Against Attacks from He Who is in the Water" Music Video - Final
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This is the "Making of" Video that MTV has on their website.MTV Webisode
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My Interests

Other than the obvious, I am a history nut. I am glued to documentaries and news programming. Movies about history also grab my attention. I love the older times when we (humanity) weren't so jaded.

I'd like to meet:

To be specific...On the musical end....Brian May from Queen, Roy Thomas Baker (Producer of Night at the Opera), any of the members of Abba, and at least one living Beatle.As far as political/hero types....Alex Jones (NWO exposer), Bill O'Reilly (angry guy), Alan Colmes (political patsy), ChuckYeager (USAF test pilot/legend)to name a few......But since I am a normal guy and have no access to legend types...I guess I would like to meet others that share a passion for visual and audible art.Music and Video are things to be edited, molded, and displayed.


80's and 70's Disco. I am not a fan of stripped down music....as far as I am concerned anybody can play G-C-D lets hear some production dammit!!!Metal is always a pleaser...And....don't pretend to be a great artist if you are a hack....we the people can tell.


SCI-FI SCI-FI SCI-FI.....HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY......I have and love a great deal of movies...


News programming and documantaries mostly. TV shows are not a big thing for me. It used to be that I loved catching all kinds of different shows...but I have found all the plot points....I mean...even X-Files started to suck after a while. News TV connected to my veins....


Animation Master 8.0 manual......GOD HELP ME!!


Spider-man is a hero. Anything else is a human being.