I'm a photographer and general goof. I love hanging out with the unpretentious and energetic. I hate most things "normal", am easily bored by mundane people and generally look for all the hidden fun in life.
I make my living doing "serious" photography so if you're a "serious" model get in touch and maybe we can make some "serious" money together, "seriously".
That's about as "serious" as I can get!
I'm presently working on a fetish book project which is my passion 'cause it's fun and forever stimulating and I can let my crazy and often unbridled imagination take over. The project is sucking the lifeblood from me but it's going to be a beautiful piece of art and a big piece of me when I'm off to the next dimension. Hope all my friends get to see the finished project before I'm a finished project. Who knows which will come first. I sure as hell don't at this point but I'm having fun!
I'm really into adventures. I've climbed all over the world as well as lived in 11 different countries. If there is something wild, crazy or just plain stupid happening I'd love to know about it and you'll probably find me there participating and trying to photograph it.
I live to see beautiful places and people and love to document everything. Ok, guys I'll photograph you if I have to but by beautiful we all know I mean women.
If you're into any alternative scene and would love to have some fun in front of the camera let me know and I'll do my best to give you some great images and a fun time to boot.
If you want to see some of my photos look under my profile pic.
Alright, I hate these fuckin bio things so bye!
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