HeyHo! All meine SurfPunk Freunde sollten mal einen Blick auf das neue Meisterwerk Gerry Essers werfen! Der SurfPunkKrimi des Jahres, Lesestoff für Schlechtwettertage und ein rundum vergnüglicher Lesespass!Zum vergrössern Bild anklicken!INFOS UNTER: http://www.gerryesser.de/santa_s.htm
The reason why I..m here is to thank all the bands, friends etc., with who i..ve had good times. I have enjoyed listening to your albums, going to your concerts ( or organizing them ), hanging around with you or whatever! To be with you here i had to create my own place. That..s why I..m here now! Hopefully I will hear from anyone out there, about concert dates, new albums or other interesting stuff!...................................................... .. ............................................................ ........A partir de agora, eu quero mostrar algums videos que eu fiz no Bar Santa Suzana em Aljezur ( Portugal ) entre 1998 e 2001! Se alguem nao gostar de ver a sua banda aqui, por favor contacte-me!
all around the 3 chords!
Splatter/Gore/Trash...& many more!
Stupid Bullshit! Bait for the mass!
Terry Pratchet, T.C. Boyle, Charles Bukowski, Raymond Chandler etc.