Music, musicianship, flicks (mostly horror), tattoos, leather, rubber, barbed wire (not the movie), meandering existentialist verbal diarrhea that borders on grotesquery and porn.
Cool people that can carry cool conversations.
I have a pretty eclectic taste in music. Metal (it's what I do), movie scores and anything that I can find inspiring or interesting. I like melody and beats, stuff that has structure, I can dig on jazz but mostly from an appreciation type standpoint.
Horror movies mostly but if it's good, I like it. Some of my favorites are Dawn Of The Dead, Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club, Reanimator, Terror At The Opera, Friday the 13th, Braveheart... you get the picture.
Family Guy, Cold Case Files and Six Feet Under I think are the only shows that I will consciously find to watch, otherwise I just find a flick on digital cable.
I am unfortunately a fan of trash for the mind. I love horror/Sci Fi books by Stephen King, Michael Crichton, Anne Rice Dean Koontz and Michael Slade. I have read and do enjoy more cerebral type reads from time to time.
As cheesie as it may sound, I consider my dad as a hero. If it weren't for him and his support when I was younger, I would have never found the me that I am happy with... well him and Dimebag Darrell.