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About Me

"Me is who ya see!"

Myspace Layouts at / Ghetto graffiti


My Interests

"VODKA!" Fish (my loved one and soul mate that is! her names fisher and i call her fish and she hates it!)My 2 sons (Ben 7 , Kai 4) my 2 dogs (Dogue De Bordeaux and a Chinese Crested). Going to the gym. Gaming (good thing about being a dad to 2 boyz is you get them everything you want for christmas ie: XBOX 360, Wii,PSP and DS)..And just chilling out when the kids have gone to bed (yes can't wait until tonight)..Oh yeh and my recent love of body art!

I'd like to meet:

"VODKA!" Jim Morrison cos his head woz a shed. Chopper cos his head is still a shed. Jesus Christ and God just to know they did exsist and weren't just fictional. And anyone who grew up in Ryhill West Yorkshire during 1980-1987 cos little did we know it at the time but that really was the place to be! Ha ha ha ...Oh yeh and anyone i ever met liked and have not seen for years!


"VODKA!" Jeeeeez where do i start too many to mention them all but here goes: , Rage Against The Machine, Early ACDC, Ian Brown, Linkin Park (new one was shit),Kasabian, The Verve, Jurrasic 5, Arctic Monkeys, Bob Marley, Cafe Del Mar, Beastie Boys, Chemical Brothers, Mowtown, Deacon Blue, Dj Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, Eric B & Rakim, Jimi Hendrix, The Notorios B.I.G, 2pac, The Prodigy, and a bit of Lionel Richie when me and my loved one want to get all loved up. No matter what you say about him he knows how to put a lovable warm atmosphere in the air! Ha ha ha..Oh and any old clubbing classics from the early 90's cos they take me back to when i ruled the dance floor at the After Dark at Morley...Mmmmmm and anyone who knows me knows i'm full of shite and had no rythm at all! (you just thought you did when you was on one!)


"VODKA!" The Shawshank Redemption. Leon. Platoon. Saving Private Ryan. Braveheart. Star Wars(the early ones). Scarface and any good Gangster films. Lord Of The Rings. Running Scared. (if ya a parent it hits ya). Matrix. Powel's Animal Chin, H-streets Shackle me not. The Hurracaine and all 3 of the Bourne films


"VODKA!" Simpsons, Scoobydoo, Recess, Tom And Jerry, Sponge Bob Square Pants....... The list goes on cos thats all we ever have on our TV and i'm starting to believe they are real ("HELP!")


"VODKA!"Any gangster autobiographiesheight="355" width="425" data=""


"VODKA!".My dog goose (dogue de bordeaux) who sadly past away on 9.12.07 aged just 4. He was a big dog and had the personality to go with it!!!Heaven has got one crazy angel :) Stephen Murray(Dirt bmx god and real life gladiator).Eddie The Eagle (a typical british hero). Chopper (australian gangster). Lenny Mclean. Scott Wills. Seen. The Gonz. Tony Hawk. Matt Hensley. Oh yeh! and DJ Dave Angel at the old Orbit After Dark Morley Leeds in the early 90's.