Psychology, Buddhism, music, art, old movies and musicals, writing
As many people in this world that this life time will allow so that I may share this Buddhist practise that has changed my life. Also to meet people who just love living and want to show others how to achieve happiness. I have meet so many wonderful people allready in my life. Each one I consider a precious part of my life. I would also like to meet Keanu one day just to talk one on one...I consider him one of the most intelligent people I know well as my daugther.
ALL TYPES OF MUSIC. Particular to Rock....Jazz. Oldies...
music video code by
gorillaz - feel good inc
the Matrix Trilogies, King and I, Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, Any and all of Keanu's movies, Big Fish, The Notebook, Romeo and Juliet, The Last Emperor, The Pianist, The Thing(the earlier version) The Day the Earth Stood Still) I have so many favorites.
not too much into the entertainment shows such as E! or Entertainment Tonight....rather watch movies...
I know why the Caged Bird Sings (poem), Black Like Me, Native Son, The Lonely Lady, The Art of Happiness(by the Dalai Lama), On Becoming a Person, Carl Rogers, The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Jack Kerouac's On the Road, A Brief History of Everthing Phenomenal Woman(Poem by Maya Angelou) The Raven (Edgar A. Pole). More later.
My mother in law. This lady raised 7 children and loved only one man for over 63 years until his death 9 years ago. She is a solid model of integrity, strength, wisdom and class. Never speaks a negative word towards any one person and taugth me what the game of basketball was all about. And at the sweet young age of 83, can still beat the pants off you in a cool game of poker. Love this lady name Saddie.