Joel Turns 21 In 4 days profile picture

Joel Turns 21 In 4 days

Everyone Of You Gets A Bullet In The Head.Fuck.

About Me

Im a piercer at Columbus Tattoo Comapany Located On 08 13th Avenue, Columbus Ohio, 43202. 614-299-5992. Come Get Stuck Bah Me.
Ive gotten comfortable knowing im a horrible individual. I don't care much for people, actually i hate most everyone. I don't give a fuck on my status or my reputation, i am not here to tend to your needs or show you affection. I have a few friends that mean the world to me, but people come and go; its the story of my life; i hate it but cant change it. Violence is my solution to any problem, my friends will vouch on that. I am not here to act hard or look tough, im simply being me-A shallow, egotistical class A shithead. Im found of a few things in life, those being, in no particular order: Friends, Music, Tattoo's, Piercings, and Pornography. I smoke cigarettes and love it, but i don't drink nor do i use drugs.
i have a hard time connecting with people because i judge everyone, and will, until someone proves to me they are worth my time. Call me shitty for that, im just being Joel. Anyone that is a friend is just as equally shitty if not more and i wouldn't trade that for the world.You think I dont apreciate art?
You think I dont understand fashion?
You think I'm not hip?
You think Im Pathetic?
A nerd?
A lard ass, fatso?
You think im shit?
Well, youre wrong cause I'm champagne
and YOU'RE shit
until the day you die.
you know im down for anything cuz we protect the ones we love.
i will always stand beside you
we'll always defend you, any situation your put in
i will stand beside you, we'll always defend you no matter what i wont give up
these are my friends
i have there their backs
they are the closest thing to blood that i have
-black my heart
Make Me Feel Good!

My Interests

Metal, Hardcore, Pop Punk, Grind Core, Thrash Core, Tattoos, Piercings, Pornography, Murder,

I'd like to meet:

My Friends Are The Only People Worth Giving A Shit About.
My life does not revolve around this site. My Pictures are on a lot of peoples profiles. So if you have jealousy issues and like drama then you can click the X up in the right hand corner. Im a nice guy, who has friends and enemies. you pick what side you want to be on. But i dont restrict myself to anything. i talk to who i want when i want. its my fucking life.Im about as real as you can get, i tell it how it is, i dont care about hurting feelings or breaking hearts. if i dont like you, ill tell you. I have no reason to waste my time and lead people on to make them feel special.


The OC Motha Fuckers! Late Night Scrambled Porn


Kyle DMC, hes the thuggest in the city. yall betta reconize. that nigga got mad sack!-Kyle DMC.But Really Jeremiah Gets First Place. Then Jesus

My Blog

I Like Making Money

Piercings by Joel08 East 13th HighstreetColumbus Oh, 43201...
Posted by Joel Turns 21 In 4 days on Fri, 18 May 2007 09:56:00 PST

Free Piercings At Columbus Tattoo Co.!

FREE PIERCINGS AT COLS TATTOO CO.! Dig This..........................First person to get pierced EVERY DAY In February is FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. No Joke! COLUMBUS TATTOO COMPANY! 13th and Hi...
Posted by Joel Turns 21 In 4 days on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 02:27:00 PST