-Sometimes I don't know why I try, save for perhaps that there is an underlying answer to my misery. I traveled so far only to see that I can't find any peace in the world I live in, so I've got to seek solitude in change. Perhaps I can give the world a part of me, for what's left through rap, through music. Sing a way into heaven, even if I have to expose every heart, soul, and mind to that deep shadow living inside called truth. Living by my soul, I have but one choice, and that is to carry on with all of the knowledge and skill that I possess. Call it potential or call it solid evidence, one thing is certain...I will never give up on my dreams. They're all I have left. - S.D. ------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------- ...Hang on...forgiveness isn't easy. Its not always waiting for you, to save your soul...so just hang on…
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