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I like various forms of music.... it really depends on the mood I am in. But, by an large, I was always into the rock ..n roll, back in the day. I detest country music and yet find myself appreciating certain songs (go figure). I mean I like the morbid ones like Garth Brooks' "Papa Loved Mama"! :-) But my favorite bands are Def Leppard and Everclear.... but there is a whole long list of them out there that I still dig.
I like action movies, war movies, period-based history movies, sci-fi movies and comedies. I like documentaries and fantasy movies as well. Lord of the Rings was awesome, as was The Chronicles of Narnia. But I am a huge Star wars nut, almost - well not almost, I am - to the point of obsessive-compulsive. Needless-to-say Star Wars is my all-time favorite movie. Which one, you ask? All of them!
Anything that is Sci-fi or History Channel related. I do like the occassional tv drama like CSI or Law & Order. But for the most part I am mostly watching the History Channel.
I've been known to read a history book or two. What can I say, I love history. On occassion I read my Bible - for inspirational/devotional reading as well as for its historical value! I read alot of fantasy and sci-fi. I'm kind of finicky. If the story hasn't captured my complete and undivided attention within the first few paragraphs, it is probably a book I will put down not not bother to read. I've read a couple W.E.B. Griffin books, he's an excellent police drama author (law enforcement was always an interest of mine growing up). But if you haven't figured it out by now, I read sci-fi more than anything. Star Wars to be exact. And while I have read several Star Trek novels over the years, I pretty much focus on my need for my Star Wars fix!
My big brother Ricky, who always loved me more than most. My step-dad, who was more father than step-dad. My great-aunt Elena, who was like another grandmother. My father, Bill, senior, for all of his glory and grand accomplishments - but mostly he's my hero for acknowledging me as his son. He did so the day I turned 21 and we've had an awesome relationship that just gets better with each new day ever since! Luke Skywalker, for obvious reasons - he's my boy, what can I say? God, Almighty, who saved me from a destructive lifestyle..... but of course my heroes aren't necessarily in that exact order!Note the pattern here? My heroes are the ones that I have loved the most that either don't really exist except in the imagination, are no longer here for me anymore, or are someplace far from me.....