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About Me

I am pretty easy to get along with.... especially if you are a fellow Star Wars fan. I am pretty laid-back and easy going. As if you haven't guessed, I am a complete Star Wars nut. Ever since I was the age of two. Recently someone decided to make it a point to call me out for my fandom. So, if you really must know what drives me to the level of Star Wars geekness that I possess, then here you go: I saw the very first movie (which is now known as Star Wars IV: A New Hope) with my family. To make a long story short, it was the first and last movie I ever saw with my older borther before he succumbed to the Leukemia that had plagued him. In some way, keeping the fandom alive is like keeping his spirit alive. And as long as that spirit is alive, then he is never too far away from me. If you can't understand that, well, I pity you.So, to all the assholes out there who have a problem with me being a Star Wars geek... well kiss my ass! I carry on the love of Star Wars for my big brother, whom I love so dearly!And while Star Wars is my main passion, it is not the only thing that drives me. Ok, so I am still single. I am looking, or at the very least, I am certainly keeping my eyes open. And contrary to some popular belief, I am single because I can be an asshole at times and hard to get along with (which only seems to happen in relationships), not because I am some fanboy geek shut-in who can't get a grip on reality. I think people just find me to be strange and unsual due to my love of the Star Wars universe. Yes, Star Wars in not real, but it is a good pasttime that keeps me out of trouble, so why should it bother you that I love Star Wars so much.... yes you in the third row, second seat back. Yes I am talking to you.... Where was I? Oh yeah, I am a geek. I belong to a local Star Wars costuming group where we dress up as characters of the Star Wars universe and entertain people, mostly kids. We do this for the charity work of helping kids and bringing joy to others! Again, I troop for the memory of a beloeved brother. I would like to think that he would have been proud to see his brother do something with the passion of his life and make some positive good out of it. The group I currently belong to, Dark Side Troopers (www.darksidetroopers.com), does charity for in conjuction with Christmas For Kids. This is an oganization that exists to bring the joy of Christmas to those less fortunate kids of the community. And since I live to bring joy to others, I cheerfully troop to bring joy to kids. That is what my brother would have wanted. I am hoping to join up with the local 501st garrison here in Portland, Oregon soon. (See www.cloudcitygarrison.com) But membership takes time so I am patient.I am a recovering (I say recovering because it remain vigilant to keep on with the recovery process daily) alcoholic of 6 years now. I have been sober as of August 12, 2000 and haven't really regretted being sober. It is a good feeling to be sober and in complete control of my faculties.And one final thing: I am not interested in seeing your porn, or checking out your music. If I ever become interested (music), I will seek you out. DO NOT HIT ME UP FOR A FRIEND REQUEST IF YOU BELONG TO EITHER OF THESE GROUPS!!!! I will give you an instant denial!

My Interests

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I like various forms of music.... it really depends on the mood I am in. But, by an large, I was always into the rock ..n roll, back in the day. I detest country music and yet find myself appreciating certain songs (go figure). I mean I like the morbid ones like Garth Brooks' "Papa Loved Mama"! :-) But my favorite bands are Def Leppard and Everclear.... but there is a whole long list of them out there that I still dig.


I like action movies, war movies, period-based history movies, sci-fi movies and comedies. I like documentaries and fantasy movies as well. Lord of the Rings was awesome, as was The Chronicles of Narnia. But I am a huge Star wars nut, almost - well not almost, I am - to the point of obsessive-compulsive. Needless-to-say Star Wars is my all-time favorite movie. Which one, you ask? All of them!


Anything that is Sci-fi or History Channel related. I do like the occassional tv drama like CSI or Law & Order. But for the most part I am mostly watching the History Channel.


I've been known to read a history book or two. What can I say, I love history. On occassion I read my Bible - for inspirational/devotional reading as well as for its historical value! I read alot of fantasy and sci-fi. I'm kind of finicky. If the story hasn't captured my complete and undivided attention within the first few paragraphs, it is probably a book I will put down not not bother to read. I've read a couple W.E.B. Griffin books, he's an excellent police drama author (law enforcement was always an interest of mine growing up). But if you haven't figured it out by now, I read sci-fi more than anything. Star Wars to be exact. And while I have read several Star Trek novels over the years, I pretty much focus on my need for my Star Wars fix!


My big brother Ricky, who always loved me more than most. My step-dad, who was more father than step-dad. My great-aunt Elena, who was like another grandmother. My father, Bill, senior, for all of his glory and grand accomplishments - but mostly he's my hero for acknowledging me as his son. He did so the day I turned 21 and we've had an awesome relationship that just gets better with each new day ever since! Luke Skywalker, for obvious reasons - he's my boy, what can I say? God, Almighty, who saved me from a destructive lifestyle..... but of course my heroes aren't necessarily in that exact order!Note the pattern here? My heroes are the ones that I have loved the most that either don't really exist except in the imagination, are no longer here for me anymore, or are someplace far from me.....

My Blog

Light the Night Walk - October 3rd, 2008

This is a night walk for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. A few of you know that Leukemia is what my older brother died of, and that he is the reason I do the costuming thing. I would like to inv...
Posted by TI-7279 on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 06:05:00 PST

Not the typical Friday....

Well, I haven't blogged in awhile. SO now is as good a time as any.Today was not unlike any other typical Friday. I got up, got ready for work and headed out. Unlike the typical Friday, I was experien...
Posted by TI-7279 on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 02:46:00 PST

Loss in the family

On Saturday night, my grandmother passed away. She was 84. She had been suffering from Alzheimers Disease for a number of years now. She recently caught pneumonia and never recovered. In a way I am g...
Posted by TI-7279 on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 03:29:00 PST

Regarding adding friends....

To the citizens that frequent my little corner of myspace: Since I leave my blogs open to the general public to view, I want to make this perfectly clear to those who read blogs before you make reques...
Posted by TI-7279 on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 03:24:00 PST

When there is a high, there must come a low....

This is here would be a new addition to the woes of Bill. This is in dealing with relationships. Something I have always had trouble with. I won't mention names because those involved tend to read my ...
Posted by TI-7279 on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 08:54:00 PST

This is a special day!

Hey everybody, I just wanted to post some thoughts of a more serious note. Today is a special anniversary for me. I am seven years sober as of today, August 12th. The reason I bring this up is because...
Posted by TI-7279 on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:23:00 PST

back in the saddle again......

So, it has been awhile since I have posted a blog. I have a bit of good news. After having been unemployed for four months, I have landed a job. And a good one at that. So what is this crazy Imperial...
Posted by TI-7279 on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 10:44:00 PST

A wee bit annoyed right now....

     I wanted to go home hours ago, but that is not happening. I'm stuck here until who knows when. I actually wanted to go home so that I could get the stuff that I needed to get done ...
Posted by TI-7279 on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 01:26:00 PST

Upcoming events for the TIE PILOT

First to mention: no I haven't got a job yet... but no matter. I am doing ok, for the meanwhile. As mentioned in the subject line, here is a list of public events where yours truly will be. So th...
Posted by TI-7279 on Wed, 02 May 2007 03:57:00 PST

Check it out... TI-7279 has finally snapped!

I am so fed up with my job that I quit today... well it will be official when I walk out that fucking door for the last time. Yes people, I am using the company's internet one last time. And what did ...
Posted by TI-7279 on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 08:45:00 PST