TK/TD/CC-1536 profile picture


Executive Officer of the MEPD

About Me

Ok, why not. I'm basically a very creative and hands-on guy. I've been an artist all my life, eventually going to vocational school, college and art school to study graphic and commercial design. At the same time, I devoted a large percentage of my time to playing, writing and recording death metal. Throughout the last ten years I played in various bands, most notably starting Misery Index back in 2001. However, as time passed I became more interested in replica movie props, and eventually became immersed in Imperial costuming with the 501st Legion as a Stormtrooper. For the last two and a half years, I've constructed over five suits of armor and numerous other related creations. I've also taken on numerous sculpting endeavors which allows me another, more hands-on creative outlet. Aside from all that, I like to happily spend time with girlfriend traveling and getting into small adventures.

My Interests

My interests are very eclectic. I like to do things that only a handful of people in the world are really excited about. Having something of such exclusivity makes it incredibly rewarding, exciting and well worth any effort because you know it won't become popular or trendy.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people whom I know nothing about yet. People who harbor incredible creative powers with restrain. People who have amazing talents but feel no need to tell the world or let the ego dictate their path in life.


I'm an old-school metal head, raised on Iron Maiden and Death Metal.


All the Star Wars movies, the Indiana Jones trilogy, old 1970's and 1980's sci-fi movies like Logan's Run, Planet of The Apes, The Black Hole, Superman, Soilent Green, Tron, Dune, Alien, Saturn 5. I really dig horror movies, but prefer older ones as well, like The Fog, The Thing, The Changeling, The Omen, Hellraiser, Dawn of the Dead, Creepshow, etc. I also like Shindler's List, Artificial Intelligence, Everything by Kubrick, notably A Clockwork Orange, 2001, Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut, Dr. Strangelove. Then I also like the not so serious, purely entertainment comedic and action movies like Mystery Men, Armageddon, Groundhog Day, Jackass, The Core, The Time Machine, Escape From Alcatraz, Spinal Tap, Predator, Gattaca, Gladiator, The Fifth Element, Starship Troopers, X-Men, Legends Of The Fall, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Animal House, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Fightclub...


Hate it. Even the once mighty TLC, Discovery and History channels play nothing but garbage. All broadcast television is absolute garbage. If I had a 30in. Apple Cinema Display to play my DVDs on, I get rid of the TV all together. The only TV I really enjoyed was as a kid... Sci-fi, of course, Robotech, Voltron, GIJoe, MASK, Transformers, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek The Original Series and Star Trek The Next Generation.


Don't read many books, prefer more hands-on activities.


I have no idea, quite honestly. Even the most heroic people are fallible.

My Blog

Thank you, Hasbro

Well, as you might've seen in my new profile picture, it appears that Hasbro has used a picture of me for the card-back of the new Sandtrooper action figure due later this year. Words can not express ...
Posted by TK-1536 on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 10:08:00 PST

iTunes 6 and TV's Lost

I'm a Apple/Mac zealot, so when Apple releases ANYTHING new, I'm all over it. So, last night while watching Fight Club for the bazilonth time, I checked out some of the new Videos you can download... ...
Posted by TK-1536 on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 09:16:00 PST