Because Im technilogically challenged, I'm having my cousin write this for me for the time being, until i find some time to revise it and make this my own!
JoAnn is the coolest kid youll ever meet. Yea sure, so she is a little shy sometimes, but once you get to know her, she is absolutely crazy. She made it into UMASS Amherst this year so she a little busy with school. Shes really good in math and english and she can hold her own in a controversial issue. She is a damn good soccer player and the best basketball player I have ever seen. She used to be a councelor at a Girl Scout camp and over the summer she worked at a liquor store! hahah So now she can probably tell you how many handles youll need for however many people and let you kno how much itll be....that is IF you share with her!!!!All in all, shes a great girl, loves to have fun, and is just looking for random people to talk to. ESP if youre in the Mass area.