I was born and raised in Sylva, NC. I have a brother, Sam, hes 17, and I love his baby, Aubrey, almost a year old. beautiful!!
went to WCU for 3 years, lived in Sylva until August 06, moved to Raleigh to teach and stuff and moved to Indy at the beginning of November 06. I marched Carolina Crown Drum Corps 03-07 Guard Captain 06 07, Pride of Cincinnati IW wg 07 gold medalists! 08 silver medal, The Study IW wg 04 05, First Flight Open wg 06, WCU Marching Band cg 03-05 co-capt 05. I was on ESPN2 in September 05 06 07, and in the movies with DCI on quarterfinals nights 04-07 and again with the DCI Classic Countdown April 06 and 08! yay Bohemia and Triple Crown!
I LOVE to dance, mainly contemporary. Mia Michaels is my inspiration, I met her at Spinfest sept 07 and she came to WGI 08! I obviously love doing colorguard and dancing, it's my life. Goin to the cosmetology school in the fall! I hate the smell of skunk and cigarettes. I have a Carolina Crown symbol tattoo on my lower back, two stars with angel wings (memorial for megan) on my right shoulder blade and random piercings.interesting facts-I've never had to wear a cast, I was in the NC Lottery Commercial with Crown (trumpet...), I don't wear glasses or contacts, I've never had a cavity, I don't drink soda, never smoked a cigarette, I don't bruise easily, I've never been overseas, Sue Ammons (refer to #1) is my best friend ever, Im a vegetarian.megan nicole hayes 8/6/84-11/30/05 RIP. I love and miss my good angel!
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