Whitney profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I was born and raised in Sylva, NC. I have a brother, Sam, hes 17, and I love his baby, Aubrey, almost a year old. beautiful!! went to WCU for 3 years, lived in Sylva until August 06, moved to Raleigh to teach and stuff and moved to Indy at the beginning of November 06. I marched Carolina Crown Drum Corps 03-07 Guard Captain 06 07, Pride of Cincinnati IW wg 07 gold medalists! 08 silver medal, The Study IW wg 04 05, First Flight Open wg 06, WCU Marching Band cg 03-05 co-capt 05. I was on ESPN2 in September 05 06 07, and in the movies with DCI on quarterfinals nights 04-07 and again with the DCI Classic Countdown April 06 and 08! yay Bohemia and Triple Crown! I LOVE to dance, mainly contemporary. Mia Michaels is my inspiration, I met her at Spinfest sept 07 and she came to WGI 08! I obviously love doing colorguard and dancing, it's my life. Goin to the cosmetology school in the fall! I hate the smell of skunk and cigarettes. I have a Carolina Crown symbol tattoo on my lower back, two stars with angel wings (memorial for megan) on my right shoulder blade and random piercings.interesting facts-I've never had to wear a cast, I was in the NC Lottery Commercial with Crown (trumpet...), I don't wear glasses or contacts, I've never had a cavity, I don't drink soda, never smoked a cigarette, I don't bruise easily, I've never been overseas, Sue Ammons (refer to #1) is my best friend ever, Im a vegetarian.megan nicole hayes 8/6/84-11/30/05 RIP. I love and miss my good angel!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

aerosmith!, the Mean Girls(jeremys met almost all of them), Peggy Twigs (inventor of peggy spins), Michael Shapiro-met him at WGI 07!, Mary Murphy, Dan Karaty, Mia Michaels-met her at Spinfest 07!!, Allison and Travis from So You Think You Can Dance season 2, Sabra-season 3, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland, The Hills Girls
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My Blog

Crown 2007!!!

so if you'd like to reach me this summer-*cell phone-828 508 4420. please be aware that if you call, you have a 1% chance of me actually picking up. Best times would be 11pm-8am, So just leave me a me...
Posted by on Sun, 13 May 2007 22:58:00 GMT

Pride of Cincinnati!!

so Jeff and I made Pride of freakin Cincinnati IW winterguard! can't even believe this is happening! WHOA! can't wait to march with rachel nelson, xtina and maya again.  and of course jeff, this ...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 20:55:00 GMT

Carolina Crown Drum Corps Auditions for 2007!

audition info is now online for the 2007 season! if any part of you wants to audition, don't hesitate to come!! otherwise, you'll never know what you're missing out on! 11 weeks until the first camp! ...
Posted by on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:03:00 GMT

First Flight Winterguard Auditions!

First Flight always has been and always will be about the love of the activity! We are looking for highly motivated, hard-working individuals interested in being challenged, while at the same time hav...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 18:05:00 GMT

NEW top 8

yep, I changed my top 8 again.  Congratulations to all of you new members.  For those of you that have not yet been on it...your time may come...love you all!!
Posted by on Tue, 02 May 2006 07:05:00 GMT

great weekend with my erin!

this weekend i went to athens ga to hang out with my lovely erin.  i left thursday afternoon and met her at her apt and then we drove to brookwood hs to do do guard stuff there for a bit.  t...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 19:30:00 GMT

April Crown Guard Camp!! yay!!

I had an awesome weekend! first I had my dance recital on friday nite, last time performing at wcu like ever probably...sad kinda.  but we had a great show and both of the pieces I was in were GR...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 22:24:00 GMT

Just so you know...TOP 8!!!

just so you know, I'm gonna change my top 8 a lot so if you're lucky, you'll get a change to be on it at some point.  i just have a lot of ppl that i consider my best friend or very good friend a...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 22:20:00 GMT

don't really have a good title for this. just more randomness

we have our dance performance on friday nite at 730 in hoey! (come see us!) this is my last performance at wcu by the way so come see me! its your last chance before i'm famous, or before you have to ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 21:52:00 GMT

so over it

so basically i'm really pissed that crown vets keep not coming back...sooo freakin over it! my gosh, i know i've kinda had it easy money wise and what not, except in the past year its been shitty, but...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 22:17:00 GMT