rest in peace patches, you left our lives just as unexpectedly as you came into it. not a day goes by that we don't think of you.. we love you and miss you more and more every day ♥ your family
HELLOOOOO :) so.. i have a couple things to say, and i'm going to try to say them as nice as possible. i wouldn't have to say these things if people weren't so stupid :/ i live by that great saying "the only people you need in your life, are the people that need you in theirs" i only accept friend requests ( i'm usually too lazy to add people on here ) from people i actually talk to on myspace! so please don't try to add me if you don't know me or if you just want more myspace friends. that's.. really pathetic and weird. lol i am ONLY on myspace to keep in touch! FYI, i have no patience for perverts so don't waste your time or more importantly, MY time. thaaaaank you! :D
and apparently i still have to say this because people haven't grown up yet: if you don't like me, please leave. find something better to do with your life instead of checking up on mine lameass! remember: if you had a life, you'd quit talking about mine.. or anyone else's for that matter. that saying "high school never ends" obviously applies to you people, and it's sad. REALLY sad!
AIM KATIE sombrero
AOL Nagel Lady Katie
i'm katherine but you can call me katie or kt.. i live in san lorenzo and i can't wait to be outta here! i'm a full time student at the fashion institute of design and merchandising in san francisco. i'm majoring in merchandise marketing and i'll be done in september :) i had to stay an extra quarter at school, which is a little over 2 1/2 months but whatever.. it's not the end of the world! school is my main priority for the time being, so i don't have time for much else. school has gone by really fast which is good. i've been in college since i was 17 and i decided to go straight through without taking any time off.. it's been craaaazy busy but hey, it'll be worth it in the long run! i'm really a nice, laid back person who is easy to get along with, but i have no tolerance for BS or stupid people. i don't take any shit either. i respect people who respect me. so i can either be a bitch or a nice easy going girl.. you choose, i don't. i'm an honest beeyatch, so if you don't wanna know.. don't ask. i've become kind of a homebody recently and it's weird :x i would rather stay home and relax ( which i NEVER get to do ) with people i care about rather than get drunk off my ass, act frickin stupid, and regret everything. i'm not much of a party person and i've never been to a club and don't plan on going because i don't need to! i have a boyfriend named aaron i've been with since i was 15, i love him more than anything and we're getting married :) ummm when we have the money haha i really don't know where i'd be today without him. we had a son named patches and he was the most precious thing.. but he passed away very unexpectedly on december 27, 2007. it was the hardest day of my life, we all miss him very much, and he will always be in our hearts. he made us so happy, and i hope he's watching over us right now. we adopted another cat, and we named her callie! she's a sweetheart, and i see some of patches in her which makes her very special to us :] we're all big animal lovers over here! umm some random shiz about me is that i love LAUGHING until i need to piss my pants. while we're on the subject (haha) i have a fear of public restrooms. i sleep until about 2 PM on weekends. i'm hardly ever serious. i'm a vegetarian. i love animals more than people . i've never worked before because i really don't want to. i'm a clean/neat freak and germs creep me the hell out, so i'm always washing my hands lol i'm OCD. i would die without my celebrity gossip websites i check like 5 times daily. sad, yes.. but at least i can admit it right? riiiight :x i drive a sexy 80's car and his name is cameron the camry! he's my bud. and you know what? that's me in a long story short (:
MORE? i'm a laid back person who loves to laugh and have fun whenever possible. I BELIEVE IN KARMA and it will come back to bite you in your fat ass! umm i hardly ever wear makeup because i hate it. i don't need to impress anyone anyway.. i have horrible vision and i hate contacts, therefore i wear my sexy armani glasses all the time. i "wash and wear" my hair and i love headbands/headwraps. my 2 multicolor louis vuitton bandeaus and my burberry headband = THE GREATEST :] i'm a compulsive shopper and it's baddddddd. i have a problem haha my closet is packed, i have tooooo many clothes but i can't stop buying more. i'm materialistic and i know it's not the best thing to be, but at least i can admit it. i'm obsessed with patrick nagel's artwork.. don't know who he is? then go find out ASSBAG! hahahah i love pretty much anything 80's especially my '86 toyota camry. his name is cameron the camry and he's sexy! i'm a clean/neat freak and i hate messy people. it grosses me out :( i sleep way later ( when i get a chance ) than anyone should, especially when i'm sleeping with my cat ♥ MOOOW! i can't stand people who are effing borrrrrrring and have no personality. i speak sarcasm as a second language SOOOO if you can't take a joke, then you don't wanna be around me. because i crack jokes at every given opportunity! i'm a LOUD person.. get used to it. i try to curb that shit in public though haha i hate having attention set on me. i'm nice to everybody, unless someone pisses me off or they just suck at life. i can get pretty BITCHY; but you love itttt. i don't give half a shit what anyone thinks of me. i am who I AM and your approval isn't needed k? k thanks! i LOVELOVELOVE animals and i'm lucky to have 3 beautiful ones :] a dog named allie, a cat named blackie, and another cat named callie ♥ blackie was a stray i took in and she's doing great now.. my family, boyfriend and i adopted callie from petsmart ( same place we got allie 5 years ago ) and she's very happy at her new home! my my life is drama FREE and it's staying that way. drama = gay and it's created by sorry ass people who are are unhappy with their so called lives. this isn't high school ( THANK GOD! ) anymore people, please GROW UP. you're gonna have to do it one of these days! oh and if you're on my shit list and i see you in public -- please refrain from just staring at me ok? haha that's LAME.. it creeps me out, and if you were so 'mature' you'd say something to my face. but we all know you're not so ehh.. sucks to be you. anything you say about someone on myspace, you should be able to say to their face. that's just really sad if you can't. i just have to look at where some of these people are today, and where i am today. HAHAHA! enough said. well there's not much else to me.. any questions? ask me and maybe i'll answer you. just maybe :D
♥ ♥ 110703 ♥ ♥
I WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO FIND MY SOULMATE AT 14.. i love my wonderful AARON to death, he means everything and more to me. he's the sweetest guy and he treats me like a princess ♥ we've been together for 4 YEARS and 7 months. he's 21, he's moving onto SF state in the fall, he's really hot, and so is his car. he plans on going to law school and becoming a lawyer so i hope you're jealous. woooooo! like any other couple, we've had our ups and downs but at the end of the day.. we still love each other, and that's all that matters :) and to all the people who said we wouldn't make it: HAHA nice call morons! you're just pissed because you're ugly on the inside and out, so don't be jealous you'll never have a relationship HALF as good as MINE ;] i love my aaron ♥ ♥ ♥
if any of the following applies to you, please don't come near me.. because you'll make me ill. thank you!
PEOPLE WHO STARE, PEOPLE WHO ARE RUDE ( especially because their life sucks ) POOR SPELLING AND GRAMMAR, BAD MANNERS, and BAD DRIVERS are on the top of my list! people who are late constantly. people with no common sense. people who create drama ( wtf is this, high school? get a hobby ) DuMbShItS WhO tYpE LiKe ThIs. people who ask a lot of stupid questions. people who are low class and just gross. morons who say "i don't like people who judge" it's human to judge and not like you never have.. so have a nice cup of STFU, thanks! people who think they're funny and they're not. people who think they're hot shit and they're not ( i'm a little in awe of people who are convinced of their own "fabulousness" must be nice to live in a dream. heh? ) people who are cruel to animals, that's a psychological problem that shouldn't be taken lightly. people who are ridiculously cheap. ATTENTION WHORES. jealous broads. free loaders. liars. cheats. sneaks. little 14 year old sluts who think they're cool.. yeah that honestly makes me want to vomit. oh and i also have a deep hate for fake handbags, damn that is cheesy and so tacky! i'm a very picky person so i won't go on and on, but if any of the above applies to you.. go shoot yourself in the face, seriously.
just a little FYI.. i can't wait to go to LA :) i've been there before but not to robertson blvd which is where KITSON is! plus i'm sick of the bay area, so i'm up for going anywhere really haha