I work full time and go to school, but in my spare time I like walk my dog, hang out with my friends and chill with my boyfriend.
The whole cast of Laguna Beach. I LOVE the drama!Take the quiz: "Which Laguna Beach Character are You?"
You are LC, very fashionable, rich, and GORGEOUS. You are bitchy but in a silent way. Who cares though with looks like that!?
I listen to anything and everything. I'm not too picky when it comes to music, as long as something is playing.
I like dramas and comedies, but anything except horror movies can intrest me. Some of my favorites are The Notebook, The Dead Poets Society, Now and Then,and The Breakfast Club.
I am very into reality T.V shows. Laguna Beach, Newlyweds, Meet the Barkers, and The Real World and anything with drama that's not my own.
Cis forCaptivating
Ris forRadiant
Iis forInspirational
Sis forSilly
Tis forTerrific
Iis forIdeal
Nis forNice
Ais forActive
What Does Your Name Mean?