anastasia profile picture


i love them black!!!!!!

About Me

my name is Anastasia and I live in Tampa, Fl. I'm 22 and just finished dental school. I'm looking to see who wants to have fun and likes a good time.
Name: Anastasia
Birthdate: sept. 12
Birthplace: tampa
Current Location: tampa
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: (box) blonde
Height: 5'3
Weight: no one really wants to know
Piercings: my eyebrow, ears, tummy before kids
Tatoos: hell no
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yes
Overused Phraze: are you serouis-- i say it all the time
Food: chinese when prego, but when i'm not spanish
Candy: resses pieces, and air heads
Number: 4
Color: pink and silver
Animal: bunnies
Drink: diet pepsi
Alcohol Drink: any
Bagel: onion w/ strawberry cream chesse
Letter: A
Body Part on Opposite sex: The big fat blk d*ck
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi (diet)
McDonalds or BurgerKing: mickeyD's
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry i hate water melon
Hot tea or Ice tea: unsweet ice iced tea with lemon and a sweet and low
Chocolate or Vanilla both for ice cream
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot coco i hate coffee
Kiss or Hug: kisses
Dog or Cat: cat
Rap or Punk: rap
Summer or Winter: winter, i live in fl. it's so much better
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: funny, but not corny
Love or Money: LOVE FOR MONEY j/K!!! Love all the way
Bedtime: after i get fucked
Most Missed Memory: high school
Best phyiscal feature: ALL OF ME
First Thought Waking Up: Is my son awake
Goal for this year: to get a ring from my man
Best Friends: karin, meghan, naz, my mom, those people do anything for me!! I love them.
Weakness: my man, I fall for his lies and I still love him
Fears: having this kid I'm pregnant with
Heritage: jewish
Longest relationship: my man now. For eva and a day
Ever Drank: of course
Ever Smoked: of course
Pot: ????????
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been beaten up: helllllll NNNOOOOOO
Ever beaten someone up: Yep it's a great way to get anger out. I just go in to a rage,it's a whole nother me
Ever Shoplifted: yep
Ever Skinny Dipped: yep
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yep
Been Dumped Lately: no
Favorite Eye Color: brown
Favorite Hair Color: black
Short or Long: depeneds
Height: tallllllllllll
Style: clean
Looks or Personality: funny, smart, know what he wants, not in to games
Hot or Cute cutie
Drugs and Alcohol: depends
Muscular or Really Skinny: SKINNNNYYYYYYY Love it
Number of Regrets in the Past: 4. getting in trouble 24/7 at school, having a kid, getting prego by one guy I didn't love, believing liars
What country do you want to Visit: none-- America is ..1
How do you want to Die: I don't, but I guess if I had to I would want to die in my sleep
Been to the Mall Lately: nope broke
Do you like Thunderstorms: doesn't matter we always get them
Get along with your Parents: my mother, don't really know my father
Health Freak: no
Do you think your Attractive: YES
Believe in Yourself: YES
Want to go to College: I want to go back and get something else
Do you Smoke:
Do you Drink: sometimes
Shower Daily: yes, gatta clean the cum
Been in Love: I am right now
Do you Sing: yes, might not be too pretty but I don't care
Want to get Married: Every day!!!!!! He better get me a ring!!!!
Do you want Children: have 1 and another on the way
Have your future kids names planned out: my son now is Ronnell dunner, I pray this is a girl!!!!!!maybe Issabella or something like that
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: to late I lost it at sixteen
Hate anyone: yes

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I am having a girl!!! I am so happy, and it's about time!MY DUE DATE IS JUNE 4TH! I AM STILL AT TGH LADIES!!!!! CAN'T WAIT TO LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like my head line says "I love them black" I really love black men. They fuck the best!!!!!!!!!!

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I LOVE MY CHICK (Busta Rhymes)

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A Amazing
N Nutty
A Adventurous
S Silent
T Timeless
A Ambivalent
S Serious
I Irresistible
A Amazing
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My mother! She's smart and paid. That's my goal!!!!!!!!!a href="" target="_blank"