Vulvathrone (looking for Gigs) profile picture

Vulvathrone (looking for Gigs)

[email protected] 00386-(0)31-75-13-65

About Me

All bands that want to play in Prekmurje and maybe needs any help finding gigs in Slovenia contact:Biography (english):A Brief History of a Band So Utterly Perverse and Impious That The Very Mentioning of Its Name Sends Shudders of Inexpressible Trepidation and Disgust Down the Spine of Any Given Maiden Treading The Blessed Soil of the Minuscule Holy Enclave Known by the Name of Slovenia.The abominable idea of creating such a horrid creature was the gruesome emanation of somber broodings spawned in the profound obscurities of Hermannos and Temnovids blackened hearts, deriving its diabolical strength and vividness from sadomasochistic and scatological imagery of torture, incest and rape rooted deeply in their souls by the feverishly pursued studies of pornography and gore. The diabolical scheme was put into existence when yet another imp, Matko, joined their perverse ranks and thus it came to pass that with a tumultuous roar of dissonant atonality the heinous bastard child aforementioned was born. Temnovids fetishistic growls and scurrilous grunts, accompanied with disharmonious, vagina smashing chords of Hermannos heinous guitar, and Matkos anal dilating and ripping battery blasts formed the core of the obscene whirlwind that swept swiftly across the land.Joined later by cacophonic necrophilous stanzas of Blaz four-stringed fury the blasphemous formation now poisons the sterile morality of young virginal maidens, raping their tight pussies, filling their anuses with pungent sperm and adorning their bonny faces with reeking feces.Biografija (slovenska):Sprijeni naklepi in nakane o ustanovitvi z vsakovrstnimi perverzijami navdahnjene skupine so bile osrednja tematika prenekaterega z alkoholnimi hlapi prav nemilostno nasicenega vecera, v katerih sta Temnovid in Hermanno s pijansko vehemenco radostno naznanjala dremotni težkokovinarski srednji skorajšnji prihod kultne pornogrinderske razturacine. Naslednji dan, ko so kremplji v drobovju zlovešce brundajocega mackona dodobra razbrazdali možgansko sivino, se je kakopak razkorak med sanjami prekrokane noci in realnostjo sivega vsakdana zazdel nepremostljiv in zamisel se je tihoma pobrundavajoc do naslednje feštarije porazgubila nekje v Hermannojevi bradi.Celotna zadevšcina pa je doživela neke vrste Kopernikanski obrat, ko si je njun stari znanec, Matko, katerega glasbene preference so bile – kako prikladno – ravno tako težkokovinarske gore list, omislil komplet prav zlovešcih bobnov in se za nekaj mesecev asketsko zaprl v majhno cumnato v nekem pozabljenem kotu lastne hiše, kjer se je, ob piclih obrokih hrane in vode ter zvrhani malhi meditacije, iz neukega nadobudnega tolkalca polagoma kalil v pobesnelo hitroudno bobnarsko beštijo.Upajoc, da se bo nekega z nebeškim sijem ožarjenega in blago dehtecim izcedkom japonske mladenke nažavbanega dne njegov sen vseeno uresnicil, je Hermanno že dalj casa skrivoma gojil kaj burno razmerje s svojo šeststrunsko priležnico, Temnovid pa se je, dodobra izveden v skrivnostih umetnosti povnanjanja vsebine lastnih prebavil, nemoralno požicaval z globokogrlim pobrundavanjem, tako da se je hipoma in nadvse nepricakovano vzpostavilo jedro skupine, katere obstoj je poprijel že miticne razsežnosti.Zdaj je bilo potrebno zgolj še poiskati ustrezen brlog, kjer bi se lahko druga za drugo kotile kakofonicne cvetke, atonalne viže in nebrzdane orgije, zato se je upa polna skupina godbenikov odpravila na neizmerno utrudljivo in duhamorno pot, na kateri sta se ji v iskanju svetega grala pridružil še virtuozni hitroprstec Davor na basu.Ko je že kazalo, da prekomurski živelj ne premore niti trohice dobrosrcnosti in da so obtorej vsa vrata za naše iskalce nepreklicno zaprta, se je ubogih pornofilov usmilil MiKK ter jim odmeril njihov delež pod soncem (ali – bolje – pod zemljo, kajti domovje naše zasedbe so postali prijazni prostori zaklonišca, do takrat mirno usnulega v svoj brezbrižni podzemeljski sen). Trenutna godlja, ki jo poslušate je potemtakem produkt pravkar navedenih dejavnikov – obilo radosti inu koprofilskih užitkov vam želimo ob vleki na ušesa. ;)Biographie (deutsch):Die Geschichte der Perversion nahm ihren Lauf Ende des Jahres 2003, als Seba (aka Temnovid, vocals), Saso(Gitarre) und Matko (drums) etwas zusammen machen wollten. Der Sound war klar death/grind (aka DF, CC, Carcass, Brutal Truth, Misery Index, Cryptopsy,...) mit Texten ala GUT, Lividity, C.B.T,... Zu den genannten stießen auf dem Bass Davor Laposi und auf der zweiten Gitarre Uros Temlin (aka Jupol).Nach kurzer Zeit hat man sich von Jupol getrennt und die Gitarre übernahm Davor, den Bass übernahm Andrej Mataj. Nach ersten Auftritten kam Anfang des Jahres 2005 das Demo "Proto-Bukkake" und viele Konzerte innerhalb und außerhalb Sloweniens. Unter anderem auch zwei Auftritte auf dem Metalcamp Festival 2005 und 2006. 2006 verließen die Band Davor (musikalisches Kariere Ende) und Andrej, den Bass übernahm der Gitarrist von Vaginal Herpes Blaz Gradinski.Nach Gigs mit Lividity, Nile, Abrasive, Carignan, Sanatorium, Human Pesticide, Dying Fetus, Incantation, A traitor Like Jesus, etc. folge der erste Longplayer »Bukkake« im Jahr 2007 der bei den meisten Rezensenten gut ankam. Mit nun noch 3 Band-Mitgliedern machen sich die Sickos für denn nächsten Longplayer bereit, der voraussichtlich einmal des Jahres 2008 rauskommen wird.Reviews:

My Interests


Member Since: 9/12/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Saso Herman - guitar and voxMatjaz Kamnicar - drumsBlaz Gradinski - bass and voxSebastjan Vörös - lyrics-_-NEW-_-NEW-_-NEW-_-NEW-_-NEW-_-NEWGet it NOW for 25 € (+ shipping) @[email protected] T-shirt "69"Get it NOW for 10 € (+ shipping) @[email protected] CD - BukkakeGet it NOW for 8 € (+ shipping) @[email protected] VIDEO - Toilet SlutLIVE IN IZOLA (Slovenija)
Influences: musically - Dying Fetus, Misery Index, Lividity, Vader, Aborted, Napalm Death, Brutal Truth, Carcass etc.; lyrically - the lore of BDSM, enchanting world of grotesque and arabesque; overal image - greatly inspired by the mesmerizing image of numerous boy bands out there (Take That - hallow'd by thy name)
Sounds Like: farts, burps and grunts from Hell
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Vulvathrone collective proudly presents (oh, happy happy joy joy) the release of their first composition proper (entitled BUKKAKE) - a hefty tome of sadomasochistic hymns and infamous chants, sym...
Posted by Vulvathrone (looking for Gigs) on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:58:00 PST

Fuck metal - Yugo Grind Rules Supremë!

The other day, I was strolling about the cyber realm, minding my own business, surfing for my breakfast porn, when I stumbled across this marvellous piece of art: Yugo Pedo Grind Pop and realized...
Posted by Vulvathrone (looking for Gigs) on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:26:00 PST

`e iz neznano/znanih razlogov naaa preljuba internetna stran ne dela... tako, da se boste morali vsi zaenkrat zadovoljiti z myspace stranjo...Vsem ~enskam pa sporocamo, da bomo dali...
Posted by Vulvathrone (looking for Gigs) on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 12:01:00 PST

Oh misery oh woe

Alas, alas, the Vulvathrone collective is sad (or glad - depends on who's reading these lines) to report that our hard-core-porn-star-wanna-be (one would never have guessed that the author of the...
Posted by Vulvathrone (looking for Gigs) on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 11:34:00 PST

Info regarding the Cunt of the Month Competition

Dear coprophiles, zoophiles and sado-masochists, as most of you probably know (and if you don't, you're either a retard or an imbecil - you pick), Vulvathrone collective is running ...
Posted by Vulvathrone (looking for Gigs) on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 12:30:00 PST

Metal Camp - an overall success

Well, the grand story of Vulvathrone and Metal Camp has ended - triumphantly!Our show was more than successful and we'd like to thank each and everyone of you maddened fucks out there who were in...
Posted by Vulvathrone (looking for Gigs) on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 07:59:00 PST