A life of laughter, love, beauty, family, friends, success, and tranquility. With brief intervals of spontaneity, partying and random acts of debauchery. Is that too much to ask?
Roots, Rap or anything that pleases the soul... hate country music with a passion! In my cd case I have everything from pink flloyd, sublime, no doubt, hendrix, bob, tupac, beach soundtrack, pepper, black eyed peas, sean paul, sudden rush, bush, goldfinger, 50 and a zillion of my brothers mixes. Can't forget the artists formerly known as Plan B. and Patchwork Blue.
Love em all. I usually love horror, comedy and movies that make you say "what the F*&@?" when the credits start rolling. I'm sorry to say I also enjoy an occasional chick flick. Just to name a few favs, seven, being john malcovich, the beach, magnolia, old school, endless summers, the ring, magnolia. Can't forget who framed roger rabbit, goonies, little monsters, drop dead fred and the neverending story.
Addicted to reality television. I can't stop myself. It's a disease.
Captain Powers....he's drop dead sexy