Rudy profile picture


i DON'T know you..THAT's my PURSE!!!

About Me

Someone ..used...borrowed..abused...somehow turned out to be a great guy?!. My Dad (Mexican) Mom (Honkey) Born in Texas, raised by a village. Music & Film are my passions. As well are you. The porno of ruben's life will be called ...

"Boob raider - Robbing the Cradle"

'What will the porno of your life be called?' at
Your Birthdate: June 29
You have the mind of an artist, even if you haven't developed the talent yet.
Expressive and aware, you enjoy finding new ways to share your feelings.
You often feel like you don't fit in - especially in traditional environments.
You have big dreams. The problem is putting those dreams into action.

Your strength: Your vivid imagination

Your power month: November What Does Your Birth Date Mean?" ....This profile was edited with BlingBoo

Get .. Now Icons –

My Interests

..a..I AM ALSO INTERESTED IN Original Recycled Thought....Hypocracy..The (+ & -) of atomic existence..the need for both good and evil in ORDER to EXIST..having the freedom of languages....and those interested in me. and obviously RADIO (Independent or Corporate) find me @

I'd like to meet:

Success is fleeting, charcater is everlasting, I have no one in mind except for those that life intends for me to cross paths with and on the other hand, there are some of those who have passed on and those in which I have crossed paths w/ and should have spoken up as to have the opportunity. I stole this from the Warhols...however it seems appropriate........ Beardsley Wilde Lenin Bauhaus (the movement) 1920s France Dietrich Welles Wells Brando Kubrick Dylan Beatles Stones WARHOL Velvets Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Tolkien HAL 9000 Sally Bowles 1138 Kling Klang John Waters Patricia Hearst Clash Darth Vader Joy Division Duran Duran Bauhaus (the band) Love and Rockets Pee Wee Herman The Jesus and Mary Chain Mazzy Starr Salt Lake City The Brian Jonestown Massacre Rock Dorm Cal-Sport London Police No.23 The Odditorium Funn! you and Jesus Andy Warhol exhibit

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Date: Sep 6, 2007 7:04 AM

Brokeback Star Trek | Funny Jokes at JibJab



Make video montages at


All film...especially film my friends have brought to life..sucka free producing....homicidal gaffers and call girl assistants.


After wrangling in my A.D.D , not so much...I am looking into a good rehab dealing with the subject.


The Motorcycle Diariesa


My friends that have'nt given up on their dreams and love life, not taking it too seriously...

My Blog

Almost Famous

Yeah there's tons of music out there and thousands upon thousands that should have been big but never made it ,yet remain big in your hearts. Appreciate music you wouldn't normally cons...
Posted by Rudy on Wed, 31 May 2006 09:42:00 PST