Coach K profile picture

Coach K

If I can't F it up, it's not worth doing.

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I'm here cause meeting women at bars sucks and I'm not bold enough (or creepy) to be that dude at the gym who hits on every girl even if they're listening to their Ipod.

My Interests

Traveling is a big part of my life... just spent 2 weeks Down Under - yeh, it was incredible. And of course I enjoy movies and sports. If not for 3 knee surgeries, I'd still be playing soccer, so instead I coach in my free time.

I'd like to meet:

Catalina from My Name is Earl.


Mostly indie alternative, but I listen to a wide range. Not much into rap or country.


everything from crass comedies like Old School, Bad Santa, Borat, and the Wedding Crashers to epics and even foreign films.


My Name is Earl. Daily Show.
Documentaries on history and world events.


not enough time to read right now... I blame work and the overtime I need to pay back my travel debts.


Anyone who makes a serious effort to help others in need. Bono in Africa is an obvious example, but you don't need to be famous or have money.