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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

(Blog for Professional Artists who want to improve their Self-Promotional Skills!)

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Art by Froshay is featured in Art de Soul Gallery of Costa Mesa, Pacifica Tile Art Studio of Seattle, Fine Art America online, SummerTree (Uncommonly Cool Stuff), Cheshire T's (T's that glow in the dark).
Froshay is a Professional Artist as well as an Art Consultant for Artists assisting them in understanding how to earn a great living in more ways than just galleries!
Check out her blogs!
Art by Froshay continues to be published, distributed and can be found in collections throughout the world.
Many of the Paintings on this site are available for purchase either online or direct from the Artist. Become a Collector today!
Some of the images on this site are commissions. You too can Commission your own Personal Painting and own an Original! Contact the Artist for more information. We do payment plans!
ArtTIPS by Froshay
(Blogging Ideas for Painting, Drawing & Creativity) - check it out!

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My Interests

Purchase Froshay Fine Art Prints Here!

Uncommonly Cool Stuff!

Froshay Art On Tile Murals
at Pacifica Tile Art

I'd like to meet:

All ARTISTS who want know about the 1,000's of Different ways they can earn a Great Living from creating their art!

You don't have to sacrifice fun and creativity to make money! You don't have to know how to sell or market yourself!

Publishing and licensing is a billion dollar industry that requires art in more forms than you can imagine. It's called Licensing - and I've been doing it for over 20 years!

Want to know more? Ask me!


Just about every kind of music! LOVE music - it touches my soul and makes it soar!


I LOVE Comedies.


What is television??


My FAVORITE author is my Daughter!!!! You go girl!!


My kids - they are awesome and I have the deepest respect and love for them!

My Blog

On Teaching Art

From my experience, a good Art Teacher opens your eyes.They help you to see what you did not see before and then share with you, different ways of rendering it.They then help and encourage you to conv...
Posted by ART MENTOR on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 12:59:00 PST

Earning as an Artist!

A Few Samples of how you can Create Your Art Once and Earn Money over and over and over!!Check these out!(These are links to my work on other sites. Two will take you out of MySpace but nothing is ask...
Posted by ART MENTOR on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 01:25:00 PST


So just what is this ’Licensing’ that Wendy keeps talking about?....Usually the first question that people ask me when I tell them that I am an Artist is, "Wow! Are you in a Gallery?" I te...
Posted by ART MENTOR on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 01:03:00 PST

How to Empty Your Mind

Know how when you meditate you are suppose to empty your mind? ... and you can’t? Thoughts just keep coming in and you followthem around like following a thread until you have forgotten where yo...
Posted by ART MENTOR on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 01:14:00 PST