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It's always better when we're together.

About Me

I'm Jessica Marie.
I've got a gorgeous boyfriend, who just happens to be my world.
I go to Starr's Mill High School.
I'm a junior.

For everything else about me, you'll just have to ask. :]

"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." -Bob Marley


My Interests

These people mean the world to me.

Derek Brannon McLean
He STILL gives me butterflies. Every second I’m with him, I can’t seem to focus on anything else. I knew from the very first time I saw him that I wanted him all for myself. Although I pretty much bitch at him left and right, he still comes back. He puts up with ALL my bullshit, and I thank God for that every day. I’m always counting the days until I can see him next, and be able to give him as many kisses as I want. He knows what buttons to push to get me so absolutely furious, and he knows exactly what to say to reverse it in a split second. He drives me completely insane, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Everything I do seems to remind me of him, or a memory we’ve had. I really don’t even know how to put into words how much I care about him. He’s everything I could have ever dreamed of in a boyfriend. I’m so lucky to have found someone so amazing. Just knowing that I’m his put’s a smile on my face. I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost him. I don’t know how I was able to live before him, because nothings ever made me as happy as he does. I’m just so ridiculously head over heels crazy about him. ♥♥♥

Loni Anne Britto
This girl has been there for me through absolutely everything. I can count on her to make me laugh and make me feel better when I’m upset. She always knows what’s best for me, and I can’t even put in words how much I care about her. She always does little things to show me how much she cares about me, whether it’s making me food when I’m hungry or bringing me water when I’m about to drink something that tastes bad “just in case I need it.” She’s the only person I can tell anything and everything to. She’s been my best friend since 8th grade, and will be for years to come. I can honestly put my life in her hands right now, and know that I’ll live to be 100+. I love you sooooo much Loni. I can’t wait to go over there again! :]

Austin Michael Puddy.
There’s no way we could describe us in one word. We’re goofy, weird-asses, crazy, stupid as shit, assholes. We can never stay upset with each other, because he always makes fun of me when I’m mad. He can by far make me laugh more than anyone else on the planet. I probably go to him for absolutely everything. When I’m upset, I know he’ll know just what to say to cheer me up or make me happy again. He’s so weird it’s not even believable. We’ve been through it all together. I know that if I ever needed anything, I could go to him. Without him, I would be so lost. He once told me that I was the type of person he wants to be friends with for the rest of his life, and honestly I hope it ends up that way. I’m his Guatemalan goblin, haha. Austin Michael is one of the most amazing friends I’ve ever had. I love you!!

Vincent Mariono Lorello
Wowww. Where to start. Vincent is the brother I never had. I know that he loves me to death, even though he hates to admit it. I miss hanging out with him every day and doing absolutely nothing but riding around on the golf cart and watching him skate. I love how offensive he is, and how I can always point out the girls he thinks are hot before he even says a word. He’s such an asshole most of the time, but when he’s not…he’s the sweetest thing in the world. He spent like, 10 dollars trying to win me a care bear at Six Flags. And caught me every single time I fell when I was trying to learn to skate. Not to mention when he bought me cigarettes, Planet Smoothie, Rita’s Italian Ice, Panda Express, McDonalds, Taco Bell, and so much else. I don’t know what I’d do without him.

Clinton Anthony Sharpe
If there’s one person I can be stupid and just let go around, it’s Clinton. He makes me laugh more than anyone else in the whole wide world. I always have so much fun with him, even if we’re not doing anything at all. If you see me with him, there’s a 99% chance I’ll be laughing or smiling. We can always talk about anything and give each other advice about whatever. He always complains to me about how lame girls are, and I always complain to him about how lame boys are. I love him with all my heart! He’s by far the most reliable guy friend I’ve ever had.

Pooh Bear! :]
Casey Glen and I always seem to be disagreeing about something. We argue a lot, but that doesn’t take away from how much we care about each other. He’ll be moving soon, and I’m gonna miss him like crazy, even though we don’t hang out as much as we’d both like to. I love how we mess with each other all the time, and how he gets mad when I smoke. I love to hear him laugh and be happy. He probably doesn’t realize how much I care about him because I’m always such a bitch to him, but it’s definitely more than he possibly knows. I'm his pookie, and he's my pooh bear, and that's exactly how it should be. :>

Claire Lee Drake
Claire and I have had some pretty intense times. We can get pretty bitchy at each other, but we seem to forget it within 5 minutes. She’s the most outgoing girl I’ve ever met. She’s so much fun to hang out with, and I miss her so much. Ever since she moved to Florida, Peachtree City has been so boring. Every time I think back on those crazy times we had I wish I could go back and relive them. She’s so generous and caring. I can’t wait until she comes back to Georgia.

Poochie Renee! haha.
Lauren Renee Turner and I have been through it all. We used to spend every waking moment with eachother. I miss her more than anything. I don't think I've ever really been closer to anyone than I was with her. She's probably the greatest thing that's happened to me since I've moved to Georgia. I've hurt her beyond belief, and I've fucked up beyond repair but despite all that, she's still there for me. She's my better half, and she always has been. She's not afraid to tell me when I'm being a stupid bitch, or when I'm making the wrong decisions. I always have so much fun when we're together, just because we can be so freakin retarded and it won't matter one bit. I love how everyone always asks us if we're sisters, or mistakes us as twins. I love her like crazy. She'll always be my boo. ♥ :]

I'd like to meet:

Intelligent, mature, dramaless people.


-The Whitest Kids U Know
-Desperate Housewives
-Dirty Jobs