Xanatos profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

http://torax.outwar.com/newplayer.php?id=9229 Check out this site.
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I have an obsession with Dragons that spans since I first heard the legends of Dragon slayers. And everytime I heard one of those stories about the heroic knights slaying the evil Dragons, I'd get realy pissed off. I mean, realy... what did those Dragons do to deserve being slain and their head mounted on a pike? They are simply trying to feed themselves and survive in an environment that is unforgiving. We invade their homes, and slay their kind, and when they attack us, we automaticaly thing they are dangerous blood-thirsty beasts that dont deserve to live. If you ask me, Mankind itself is the only blood-thirsty beast. Never tell me anything negative about Dragons. I take it as a personal insult.
Aside from that bit of lovely information... and on to things more serious. For my entire life I've KNOWN I was going to be alone forever... that no one would love me, and I would never let anyone close to me. But recently, I've gone back on that... and I guess you can say I've become very lonely. You see, I am a very good creative writer... or at least people say I am. And, I'd like to write love stories, but... I don't have any esperience with that, so... I cant truthfully say anything about it, so I am stuck at an impasse. But thats not the point. I just... well, I feel stupid for one thing, putting my feelings on a freakin webpage for anyone to see it. Anyone who cares to look anyway. I am undecided on my... orentation... just as a note.
That's me and my sis in the picture. we don't get along often, but face it... not many siblings do. I guess I am kind of jealous of her art, I always wanted to draw, but I just seem to suck at it. Maybe I should stick with poetry and stories.
If ANYONE who knows me in real life sees this page... you had BETTER treat what you have read/will read, SERIOUSLY! If you make fun of me for any reason mentioned here, I will never speak to you again. Eric included.
.. You scored as Loner. YOU HAVE NO SOCIAL LIFE! thats ok



Emo Kid

















What Highschool Clique Do You Belong To?
created with QuizFarm.com
About Me
Name Richard
Nickname Xanatos
Age 17
Height 6'3"
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Have You Ever
Fallen for your besfriend No.
Kissed someone who was just your friend Yes.
Been rejected Yes.
Been in love Yes.
Used someone No.
Cheated on someone No.
Been cheated on ...no
Done something you regret Yes.
Do you ...
Color your hair No.
Have tattos No.
If so how many None.
Have any peircings Yes.
If so how many One.
Have a bf/gf No.
Like thunderstorms Alot.
Ever get off the damn computer NEVER!
Have you/Do you have...
Considered a life of crime No.
Considered being a hooker No.
Coneidered being a pimp No.
Split personalities I used to be, but we are fine now. ((J/k))
Obsessions Dragons and Roleplaying.
Panic Yes.
Anxiety Yes.
Depression/Considered suicid ...sadly... yes.
Right now..
Current clothes black hoodie, black sweat pants, boxers, and undershirt.
Current mood ...Lonely.
Current hair Brown.
Current music ...a mix of different stuff.
Current annoyance My Grandmother.
Current perfume/cologne Axe.
Current thing you should be doing ...
Current crush None.
Drink None.
Color Red... Black is just a shade, its not a real color.
Candy None.
Tv Show None.
Movie ERAGON!! Its not out yet, but it's my favorite.
Place None.
Person to talk to None.
Do your perfer..
McDonalds or Burger King Neither, I prefer Taco Bell.
Marry the Perfect Lover or the perfect friend ...No comment.
Root Beer or Dr Pepper Rootbeer.
Sunshine or Rain Rain.
Spring or Fall Fall.
Winter or Summer Winter.
Vanilla or Chocolate Vanilla.
Snowboarding or Sking Neither.
Lights on or Off ....What are you getting at?
Are you...
Understanding Yes.
Open Minded Yes.
Bad Tempered ...slightly.
Happy Not realy.
Attractive ....I don't think so...
Bored Easily Not realy.
Sad Sometimes.
Unique ...everyone is Unique
What do you like in a Girl/ Boy Only one thing? Darn... No comment.
Eyes Brown
Hair color Brown
Long or short hair Short
Hieght 6'3"
Body Type ... a little on the heavy side.
Personality Kind and spiritual
How would you describe yourself I wouldn't.
Do you have any Pets? Alot.
Have any syblings? Yes.
What do you want to be when you grow up? No clue.
Do you wanna get married and have kids? Not sure.
What is your best physical Trait? ....I have one?
What is the best thing about your personality? My sensitivity.
What words do you overuse Figures, Interesting, and Go Figure.
Whats the most annoying thing about you I forget things alot.
End this survey with a quote "I used to be scitsofrenic, but we're okay now."

My Interests

You are a SORROWFUL person. Although you may seem completely happy on the
outside(or not), you are actually breaking on
the inside. Perhaps it is because you have
been wronged in the past? Or it might simply
be that you are lonesome or misunderstood.
Your eyes hold a great amount of sadness no
smile can lift, and it is that which
identifies you as a depressed person. You
might not cry that often in public, but it
does happen behind closed doors.Your traits: *Depression *Sorrow *Intuitive *Imaginative *Compassionate *Solitary *SensitivityYour Color: Gray/ Light blue/ Black Your Quote: "Behind this smile is everything
you'll never understand."

.oOo. What Are You Really Like Inside?[ Anime pics included.] .oOo.
brought to you by Quizilla

I'd like to meet:

...Well... There is not realy any one person who I'd like to meet, or at least... if there is, I don't know their name yet. I just want to meet the one person that will make me happy. Notice I did not specify.


I listen to what I like. If I think the song is cool, I'll listen. And if anyone can tell me, step by step, how to get music on my profile, I'll... I'll clap for you. More then twice.


My favorite movie would have to be Dragonheart: A new beginning.I hate the first movie, but love the seccond. ^^


Eragon, Eldest, Dragonriders of Pern, The last Dragonlord, Dragon and Phoenix, The Sword of Truth Series, The Joust Series, Dragon Delesangre, Dragon Moon, and SeaDragons' Daughter.