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"The fact is that far more crime and child abuse has been committed by zealots in the name of God, Jesus and Mohammed than in the name of Satan. Many people do not like that statement but few can argue with it" - Kenneth V.Lanning, FBI Report on Occult Crime, Oct 1989 (BAN -MoRT)
"We charge tradition with being an excuse for idleness, unpersonality and regression. We praise evolution for being the logical consequence of creation, progression and elevation"
- BLUT AUS NORD1349, Abigor, Aborym, Antaeus, Arkhon Infaustus, Behexen, Bergraven, Blut Aus Nord, Dawn, Deathspell Omega, Deströyer 666, Drudkh, Frost, Funeral Mist, Graveland, Hate Forest, Heresi, Katharsis, Lunar Aurora, Marduk, Mayhem, Melechesh, Mgla, Negura Bunget, Ondskapt, Ravencult, Satyricon, Secrets Of The Moon, Triumphator, Velvet Cacoon, Watain, Weakling, Wolves In The Throne Room... etcAsunder, Black Cobra, Cult Of Luna, Dolorian, Esoteric, Evoken, Isis, Kayo Dot, Middian, Neurosis, Primordial, The Gault, Thee Plague Of Gentlemen, Yob... etcAngelcorpse, Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse, Capharnaum, Cryptopsy, Decapitated, Deicide, Harakiri, Hate Eternal, Impiety, Morbid Angel, Necrophagist, Neuraxis, Nile, Suffocation, The Amenta, Vader... etcAnodyne, Backstabber Inc., Botch, Breach, Burnt By The Sun, Burst, Cephalic Carnage, Coalesce, Converge, Crowpath, Into The Moat, Intronaut, Knut, Mastodon, Meshuggah, Mistress, Napalm Death, Nostromo, Pig Destroyer, Refused, Rune, Swarm Of The Lotus, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Today Is The Day, Totalt Jävla Mörker, Uphill Battle, Watchmaker, Yakuza... etcBohren Und Der Glub Of Gore, John Scofield, King Crimson, Mike Stern, Pat Metheny, Pekka Pohjola, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Steve Morse... etcMovies:
Lynch Movies, Terry Gilliam Movies, Stanley Kubrick movies, Dario Argento movies, Roman Polanski Movies, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Exorcist, Delicatessen, The City Of Lost Children, Asian movies: The Tale Of Two Sisters, Ju-On 1 -2, Ringu 1- 2, Dumplings, Into The Mirror, Kairo, Suicide Circle, Oldboy, Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance, Sympathy For Lady Vengeance, The Isle etc.