I'm the quiet one in the back that knows most of the answers, somehow manages to avoid attention, but still manage to be teachers' pet. I've found my way away from home to a home of the past - to Key West - where my father and his ... well... mother, and her mother (sorta) were, many a moon ago. And I can't wait to get back to Texas. Down to counting the days (12, as of 11/26) until go.
I'm short, semi-asian, and probably a handful to deal with. I've been recently claimed as someone's girlfriend-if-she-weren't-straight... which is a new one for me. I'm usually the girlfriend-if-he-were-straight.
I'm the girl that looks all sweet and innocent until I open my mouth - then all bets are off... Once that happens though, it's hard to get people to believe that I'm not as corrupted as they think I should be. Can't win 'em all, can ya?