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"And I want Life in every word / To the extent that it's absurd."

About Me

First, a note on comments: If it contains HTML, I will delete it. Thank you.Life has a funny way of kicking you in the jimmies, then dropping gold in your lap. I've had more of both in the past two years than I've had in the previous decade. And I'm ALIVE again. Or for the first time, I'm not sure. I've experienced more in the past year than I knew existed. I'm hungry to keep learning. I'm taking steps to organize my life in such a way so as to give me more free time while keeping the ability to enjoy it. So far, so good.
I have high expectations in people. I don't put up with stupidity. Ignorance is curable. Stupidity is curable with a bullet. Stupidity is defined as the unwillingness to learn. I also have low tolerance for manipulators, blackmailers (emotional blackmail counts), insecure and jealous people. And, while I'm not exactly violent, I have low respect for the expectations of 'society'. I will treat you as you say you want to be treated, or as your actions dictate you to be treated.
I'm in a house again, and I'm re-establishing my business. Keep an eye out for the various endeavors I'll be doing over the next several months.
Some quotes to think on:
"People go through their entire lives asleep. But some, a very few, are awake, and go about in a state of constant, total amazement." ~Joe vs. the Volcano
"Love doesn't have to be soft and gentle." ~Secretary
"Be who you are and say what you feel. Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter." ~Dr. Seuss
"The world is filled with strife. There is never a time when we do not toil in strife. We are men of strife. As my parents said, It is those who can remember their blessings daily that will be rewarded. Every morning, we would accept that strife and then we would recall our blessings. Do the same and your blessings will multiply." ~Rabbi Saul
"Do not let the fear of pain keep you from the chance of happiness." ~Me
Now, Feed my Ego!!
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My Interests

Music, Dancing, Fencing, fighting ("I guess I could kill you in the morning"), historical fencing and fighting, intelligent conversation, adventures, Faire, Renaissance faires, Scarborough Faire in particular, cooking, card games, strategy games, gems, jewelry, time travel, or at least time compression.

I'd like to meet:

If you're awake, truly awake, if you have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a mind to learn with the intent to understand, if you're willing to love with everything you've got, have your heart handed to you in a brown paper bag, heal, and be willing to do it again, I want to know you.

I mean it, you should be bright and full, but if you are, I want to know you.


Celtic based: Altan, Anuna, Amberhawke, Arcady, Boys of the Lough, Capercaille, Clancey Brothers, Clannad, Corsairs, Danu, Eileen Ivers, Gaelic Storm, Jim Hancock, Lunasa, Old Blind Dogs, Queen's Gambit.Classic Rock: Led Zepplin, Doors, Beach Boys, Beatles, Rush, Moody BluesMiddle Rock: Violent Femmes, Peter Gabriel, Cure, Dire Straights, Chris Isaac, Def Leopard, Crash Test Dummies, Black Crows, Pearl Jam,Modern Rock: Cranberries, Sixpence None the Richer, Wallflowers, Rufus Wainright,


Serenity. Get it, anything involved with it and Joss Wheadon. Otherwise, I'm pretty easy about movies, the more intelligent the better.


Firefly and Coupling (BBC version) are the only series worth looking at, and they're both cancelled now. I don't watch TV anymore.


Authors instead, anything by: Robert Heinlein, David Drake, Douglass Adams, Mercedes Lackey, Orson Scott Card, Raymond Feist

My Blog

New (to me) House!

I didn't want to say until I had the paperwork signed on, and I signed it this afternoon.  I am back in a house!  It's in Irving, good location, convenient to Dallas and on a good traffic pa...
Posted by David on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 04:20:00 PST

International Travel

In about a week, I'm heading to Ireland.  I'll let you get the jealousy and 'stuff me in your suitcase' comments out of your system now.  If you're lucky, I'll post about details when I retu...
Posted by David on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 07:19:00 PST

Scarborough Picture Sites

Mostly for my own reference.  Originally compled by Lys.http://s79.photobucket.com/albums/j143/Jaggedred/Scarby% 202007/http://www.rensites.com/J+M+Gryphon/Scarborough+Faire +2007/http://www.pbase....
Posted by David on Thu, 24 May 2007 12:55:00 PST

From the mouth of Babes

Okay, so, yesterday I went out to dinner with my brother and his wife. We stopped by Sonic to get burgers for dinner for the older kids (A and JP, 5 an 8) while the youngest (L, 10mo) was going to go ...
Posted by David on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 11:16:00 PST

10 Commandments

10 Commandments of Coyote, that is.   I. Thou Shalt Have As Many Gods and Spirits and Personal Trainers and Gurus As You Like Before Me, But You Shalt Not Let Them Block the Exits, and More...
Posted by David on Tue, 02 May 2006 07:30:00 PST

So it begins... again

And so it begins, another blog to keep track of.  For those of you who don't know me, or wish to know me better, I have a LiveJournal you can access under the screen name gem_handler.  I wan...
Posted by David on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 02:06:00 PST