by ninjasyron
Color?: BLACK and RED
Sports Team?: FIGHT CLUB
5port?: TANZSPORT???Sk8ing, Windsurfing,
8ook?: Der Schwarm
8and?: Too Much To List
7h1ng5 to do?: Always looking to stay GREASY,POMADE inne HAARE, Meet with Friends to talk some shit and drink some Beer, HOT RODS and OLD SKOOL CHOPPERS, Learning how to PINSTRIPE and at least most the time FUCK THE FUCKING GERMAN TÃœV!!!
4rti5t?: Dean, Brando, De Niro, Pacino, Tarantino....
Number(s)?: 1.
Career Subject: Studi Medizintechnik
Phone Company: Who cares?
Flag: Checkered Race Flag
President: 's Death
5ea2on: Summer
Computer Company: commodore
Shoes: VANS, Don't mess with my REDS
Brand of clothing: LaMarcaDelDiablo, Rumble 59, Lucky 13...
Year: 1666 and 1999 but I luv the 50's
C311 9h0n3: Telefonzelle??? Häh!!! Nächste Frage
Favorite things I didn't mention here: Life is one big road und wenn du am Ende bist, bist du nicht am Ziel sondern tot!
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