Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
HIP HOP, Freedom Writing & Fighting, Grafitti Writing/Art, Break beats and B-boys and Girls. Conspiracy theories and and info that puts the government and New World Order on Blast. And encouraging my peeps to utilize they power of thought and it's mandatory for they feelings to match. Anything that has to do with Aztecs, Mayans and ancient history. How can one not be interested in information that politicians and secret societies tryed to erase, and keep from the masses, out of puro greed and gluttony.
All my sisters and brothers who know they spirit. The ones that treat others with the same respect they demand. The ones that know our country was based on the same damn rights for which it does not truely stand. All of those that might fall down but continue to stand up. And definately those who listen to they spirit over all the bias and unequal standerds, laws of man and penal codes. I'd like to meet anyone who believes in fighting for they rights. Not those who try to keep it real, cuz they should try keeping it right.
Conscience Hip Hop. Underground hip hop. Rap. Rock. Oldies. Anything that's probably not in heavy rotation. any music that promotes constant elevation.
Documentary. Comedy. Any true story. Just about anything and everything that doesn't glorify violence as just something to take lightly. If there is violence in a movie it should be portraying actual events such as genocide, self defence, or the way police over abuse/kill innocent men, women and children.
Don't watch TV often. Maybe sports, music videos (not garbage!!), or discovery and history channels. I love reruns of Martin, Fresh Prince, In Living Color, Chappelle Show, and Showtime @ the Apollo (Sinbad, Mr. Cooper, & sometimes harvey)
A Pale white horse, the four agreements, children of the matrix, InterMedia, Synchronosity, Will add more when dug up.