I love laughter. I'm always learning, always growing. I'm all about making myself better. I'm not a self-improvement freak... but... actually, yes I AM a self-improvement freak. Deal with it. I like making my life better every day. I like to stay in shape. It's important to me. If I don't work out, I'll get old, fat and ugly faster. Not good. I hope you like to work out as well, because... well... I think I just said it. It's not so much a vanity thing as it is a healthy-takecareofyourbody thing. Ok it's also a vanity thing.
On to what I like to do. I enjoy swimming. I like to see how long I can hold my breath underwater (bet you can't beat me). I enjoy the rush of a good rollercoaster. I love snowboarding. It's an addiction of mine. I like to take every-day activities and turn them into an adventure. I love to gaze at the sky when there are big puffy clouds, (especially during sunsets or sunrises) or when it's night and the moon is huge and glowy and the stars are all visible and sparkly, or when it's raining. I like the feel of raindrops on my face and the smell that only comes with rain.
I really enjoy life most of the time. Bad things are going to happen, it's what you take away from it that matters. Everything that happens, short of death, is a lesson. Something to learn from. Something to be grateful for. That is how I try to live.
Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.