Take back The Night 2008 profile picture

Take back The Night 2008

I am here for Friends

About Me

Take Back the Night has been held annually in Ann Arbor since 1978 (minus one year). Traditionally, the march was held to protest the sexual victimization of women. Today, the connection has been made between sexual assault and other forms of violence and oppression. We rally and march to make a clear statement that violence in any form will not be tolerated.
Women Take Back the Night is an international event, with marches and rallies occurring around the world since 1976. In that year, in Belgium, women attending the International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women walked together holding candles to protest the ways in which violence permeates the lives of women worldwide.
Our Rally and Event Schedule 2008:
Interested in taking a stand against Sexualized Violence? It's the 30th Anniversary of Take Back the Night in Ann Arbor! All events are free and are open to the public.
Please join us for our week of events! T-shirts will also be on sale next week in Angell Hall and the School of Social Work. For more information, please email [email protected] or go to www.tbtnannarbor.org. Our flyer is attached.
Screening of "Searching For Angela Shelton" Monday, April 7 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Peace Neighborhood Center located at: 1111 North Maple Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 Phone: 734.662.3564
Filmmaker Angela Shelton sets out on a journey to meet every other Angela Shelton in America and through them survey the early 21st Century thoughts of American women. What she wasn't prepared for was learning that, like herself, 24 out of 40 Angela Sheltons she spoke to had been raped, beaten or molested. The Angela Sheltons complete the journey by teaching the filmmaker about forgiveness, faith and the power of the human spirit in all of us, no matter what your name is.
***Due to strong language and subject matter, no one under 18 admitted.*****
Speak Out Wednesday, April 9 from 7 pm to 9 pm at the University of Michigan School of Social Work Building
Room 3752
Located at: 1080 South University, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1106
Phone: 734-764-0323
A speak out is an opportunity for survivors of sexual assault to "speak out" about their experiences in a safe and supportive environment. By sharing their stories, survivors gain power, raise awareness, and remind each other that they are not alone.
Rally and March
Thursday, April 10 beginning at 7 pm in the University of Michigan Diag A rally protesting sexualized violence in our community, including drumming, speakers, music, and spoken word performers followed by a march through the streets of Ann Arbor.
rEVOLUTION: Making Art For Change
This exhibit will open Friday, April 11 at 7:00 pm at Duderstadt Gallery, UM North Campus.
Sponsored by SafeHouse Center and SAPAC, the topics of the art show are gender issues, empowerment and sexualized violence. This art show is an opportunity for survivors of sexualized and domestic violence and theirloved ones to express themselves creatively to raise consciousness around this violence, as well as promote healing and social change.
The highlight of Take Back the Night is the "candlelight" march, which will take place at the Bell Tower. As part of the worldwide movement to "take back the night," women will walk without fear through the night and reclaim the streets, which for many years have been sources of fear and violence.
Another significant aspect of Take Back the Night is the survivor testimonials. This serves as a safe place for survivors of sexual violence to come forward with testimonials, often sharing their experiences for the first time. ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in Social Justice, stopping Violence Against Women and Sexual ViolenceThe recognition that anyone, at any time and in any place can be sexually assaulted, regardless of gender or sexual oritentation!An end to sexual harassment, sexual assault and sexual abuse in the workplace, classroom, our homes and in the streets!That sexual assault be defined as MORE than just rape. Sexual harassment and sexual coercion MUST also be considered a part of the sexual assault continuum.The recognition that a survivor is NEVER responsible for their own victimization, regardless of where they are, what they do, or what they wear!That every county provide a fully funded sexual assault and domestic violence programs for all of its survivors.That law enforcement officers, prosecuting attorneys, judges, educators and human service professionals be required to have training in responding to intimate partner violence and sexual assault!That the media STOP producing images that promote and glorify sexualized violence!International recognition of rape as a systematic weapon of oppression, used in war and in peace!That when we leave this event/forum/room, each and everyone of us will continue to be active and vocal in educating the world about sexualized violence and working to end that violence in our lifetime!