Rainbow Blight profile picture

Rainbow Blight

Technicolor Nightmare

About Me

Adventurous and fun loving- a walking cartoon! Not only do I march to a different drummer, I have a biomechanical zombie marching band. Speaking of bands, I'm the front person for a band from NYC called Hate in the Box When I'm not busy performing, I'm usually creating art, building robot arms and costumes, playing 8-bit nintendo games and beating up kids for their lunch money.

Other things you might not know about me:
-My hair is infinitely variable. i have forsaken pesky dyes and wigs and installed an organism what lives off me brain meats. It's alive... it's ALIVE!

-I'm trilingual, I speak english and spanish fluently and can read and speak (intermediate) Japanese (studying for about a year and a half). If you speak japanese and live in NY and need a study buddy, send me a note.

- I don't study japanese because of a trendy interest in anime, but because it will be the first stop on Hate in the Box's world tour! Get ready to be rocked, Japan!

- I have an unhealthy obsession with Kung Fu movies, especially Shaw Bros, Jet Li, Gordon Liu and J. Chan.

-I've ridden the Cyclone in Coney Island 16 times in a row!
- I love pirates, swashbuckling and skullduggery!

- I'm working on an animated video for my band, which is pretty much just begging for trouble, too bad that happens to be my middle name.

. I've taken up contortion and acrobatics! It's fun, but HARD work and I totally suck, so any tips that seasoned acrobats or contortionists have to give me would be greatly appreciated!

My Interests

My band Hate in the Box Stop animation, Contortionism, Acrobatics, Acrobalance, circus arts, cartoons, horror, taxidermy, Steampunk, dolls, decay, intaglio, painting, sculpture, watercolor, printmaking, alice in wonderland, performing with my band, music, candy, nintendo, kung fu, toys, ceramics, ice cream, victoriana, hello kitty, junko mizuno, American McGee's Alice, Punisher, John Wayne, old school sci fi, the abominable Dr. Phibes, Treasure Island, Ninjas, Pirates Cyberpunk, poison, snipers, straight razors, toy bunnies, pandas, the many uses of duct tape, kingdom of loathing, dollmaking, femo clay, Invader Zim, Preacher Comics, egl, gothic lolita, The Pro, studying Japanese, choco cat, westerns

These writers: James Gunn, Garth Ennis, Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, William Gibson, Anatole France

These artists: Hans Bellmer, Aubrey Beardsley, Hieronymus Bosch, Trevor Brown, Mark Ryden, Yellow Worm, John John Jesse, Elizabeth McGrath, Michael Manning, Jhonen Vasquez, Jonathan Wayshak, Alex Pardee

I'd like to meet:

Fellow living dolls, sideshow freaks of nature, anyone who still plays 8-bit NES, amputees, the wild the weird and the beautiful-- all in one if possible!


My band Hate in the Box of course! I like a mix of female fronted bands, heavy fuckin' metal, and dark rock with lots of keyboards. Want some specifics?Queen Adreena, White Zombie, Hanzel und Gretyl, Slayer, Beethoven, Judas Priest, Marilyn Manson, Prodigy, Portishead, Otto's Daughter, Needulhed, The Cure, Emergency Broadcast Network, Cypress Hill, Video Game Music, Vomitron

Other awesome NYC bands:

- HUNG! -fuckin' metal redefined!

- Hanzel und Gretyl (we played with them and Genitorturer's, they're incredible!)

- Otto's Daughter

- Vulgaras (fellow NYC shockrockers who we love to play with!)


The City of Lost Children, the Mad Max trilogy, The Devil Bat, Escape from New York, The Abominable Dr. Phibes, Logan's Run, Treasure Island, Delicatessen, The Alien films, Most of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, Series 7: The Contenders, Batman Returns, All Tim Burton Films, Brazil, Monty Python, Space Balls and more, more, more!


The Joymakers by James Gunn

Anything by William Gibson, including Nueromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Idoru and A different Light

Do androids dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick

The Immortals by James Gunn

The Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France

The Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov

Nightfall by Isaac Asimov


Snake Pliskin, Ripley, Julie Strain, Miette, Satan

My Blog

Monday July 7th, join me for an EPIC Rrriot Grrl Tribute show!!!!

So for the first time ever I'm singing... without Hate in the Box  O_O  Instead I'll be performing with an All-star, All-Grrl band made up of NY's hottest female musicians!  This is&nbs...
Posted by Rainbow Blight on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 10:25:00 PST

The great fansign contest! Prepare for adventure!

The great fansign contest! Prepare for adventure! Adorable new  fan signs and fan art posted to www.myspace.com/hateinthebox!  So far, the lovely ladies at our vampire freaks ...
Posted by Rainbow Blight on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 03:44:00 PST

Kickin ass and taking names in New Jersey, April 26th!

Saturday April 26th at QXT's (Newark, NJ)Though the Looking Glass!Be a part of story book rock history in a three level party that will rend the rules of reality for one night only!An evening of costu...
Posted by Rainbow Blight on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:07:00 PST

Hate in the Box News! New buttons and more!

Ahoy!We end the month best known for Singles Awareness Day with an open bar,some public thank yous, interviews old and new, and awesome new buttonpacks! Use the power of the scroll button to discover ...
Posted by Rainbow Blight on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 08:20:00 PST

Turn on the radio, this wed. Feb. 13th at 10pm

While my band Hate in the Box was busily rockin' out in Boston and Rhode Island this past weekend, we managed to squeeze in an interview with the fabulous and friendly spooksters of a rockin' little ...
Posted by Rainbow Blight on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 01:11:00 PST

madness and puppets

This week has been a whirlwind! for those of you who don't know, this is not really where I get down and dirty with the bloggy action and you should really check out my livejournal. Aside from that i...
Posted by Rainbow Blight on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 08:18:00 PST

Horror movie + Horror Rock = maximum fun!

Alright, I can't make a show any more enticing than this! It's free, you get a horror movie, dancin' devil girls and Hate in the Box, all up in your grill! The movie: B-Horror comedy at it's best! go...
Posted by Rainbow Blight on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:08:00 PST

Vampirates and Supervillains

So, our trip to Philly was totally killer! We had a bit of a crazy time getting to the venue and dealing with our trailer, but once we got there, we were treated beautifully by Patrick. What an aweso...
Posted by Rainbow Blight on Thu, 24 May 2007 05:33:00 PST

The joy of performing and the return of HITB

So this past Tuesday, April 24th,  Hate in the Box returned to the stage with a new lineup and stronger than ever.  I haven't felt this much chemistry in a long time and I'm so proud of the ...
Posted by Rainbow Blight on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 09:52:00 PST

Your "myspace tips" can lick my ass!

Take your goddamned glitter shit the fuck out of here!  The only thing I despise more than the dreaded mayo, is no less than FIVE emails all worded exactly the same about some shit I don't even c...
Posted by Rainbow Blight on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:33:00 PST