.::chi-kee::. profile picture


righteousness prevails

About Me

la libertad, básica e imprescindible, solo se hace tangible y posible a través de la tolerancia, pues la ignorancia nos aleja y nos aliena, nos confunde y nos consume. vivimos y somos producto de nuestro propio cuerpo, somos amos y esclavos de nuestra propia mente.



My Interests

life is my only interest, my only purpose. i'm blessed to live the life you gave me Father, for you and only you i live and breathe every day. the light that shines my way, the water that freshens my soul, the air that fills up my veins with the beauty of your love inspires me to trod this road, to persevere, to reach... to reach higher and higher and higher. the love that unites my spirit with this journey called life, the beauty of a smile, a chant of truth... it all makes me understand my purpose and gives me strength to pick things up when i drop them off. to continue believing in everything there is beyond my sight, to continue walking and climbing and reaching, higher and higher and higher.

I'd like to meet:



la musica, la mas alta forma de expresion, el impulso de mi vida.

Bob Marley, Jorge Drexler, Damian Marley, Ojos de Brujo, Manu Chao, Johnny Dread, Los Cafres, Cultura Profética, Gustavo Cerati. Locos por Juana and the One Sound Crew, Midnite, Los Goyos, Seeed, T.I., Julian Marley, Lanzallamas Monofonica, Alicia Keys, Silvio Rodriguez, Sean Lennon, Gorillaz, Sergent Garcia, Chocquibtown, Sidestepper, The Skatallites, Alpha Blondy, Bajofondo T.C., Beck, Calle 13, Coffee Makers, Justin Timberlake (jeje), Marvin Gaye, Miranda, The Police, She Wants Revenge, Snoop Dogg, Thievery Corporation, amongst others....


don't fall for tv. don't believe the lies! || controlling the mind of the youth and what do we do? we fall asleep, we take some pills, we change the channel and eat raw meat... and where do we wake up? in the middle of hell, waiting for something to save us, something that might never come... because we were too busy listening to others, too far from our own souls... soon our heads will crash into a window and our feet will start to bleed, maybe too late to realize that there is only but one truth and it's reallly not too far.... the motifs that brought us here and brought us together as brothers and sisters have never been in vain, every moment is an experience, time [once a mere invention in our heads] really found its place... but we are neither cause or consequence, and our quest might never end.


be careful when you read, be smart, be unique... don't waste too much time reading the papers, grab the bible, read a poem.


those who have stood up for their rights, those who have raised their voice and marked their stamp in our hearts forever, those who represent us, who are part of us, who came from the same root that we have, and will live with us, together forever, who strengthen our pace and go along with us in the same path....

My Blog

and when the day is gone... i will follow you into the sun...

asi es, situaciones inevitables y momentos dolorosos que de repente se ven transformados en rayos de esperanza inquebrantable.... life is a constant change and in its infallible uncertainity, we fall ...
Posted by .::maria.aLe::. on Mon, 21 May 2007 10:37:00 PST

it will always prevail

siempre, porque por mas que ande, el camino no se hace mas largo... que lindo eso que me escribieron, no matter where the flesh lies, the spirits remain in powerful oneness... y es que es cierto, el b...
Posted by .::maria.aLe::. on Mon, 07 May 2007 12:21:00 PST

who we are...

quien sabe? la vida es a veces inexplicable, y quizas la frase "a veces" se queda corta para describir el nivel de randomness al que estamos expuestos dia a dia... nos acostamos en nuestra cama seguro...
Posted by .::maria.aLe::. on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 06:55:00 PST

about what's happened to my life

My story is one of many, maybe thousands, maybe millions. We went to the United States in the quest of a dream, because we were looking for something we couldn't find in this country, because we were ...
Posted by .::maria.aLe::. on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 09:43:00 PST

true to myself

la vida y sus vueltas extrañas, momentos absurdos que quisiera no vivir, palabras ociosas que prefiero no escuchar, y sin embargo asi vienen a dejarme una marca indeleble... tengo el corazon anestesia...
Posted by .::maria.aLe::. on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 03:16:00 PST

un salto a lo alto

in an attempt to cross a barrier, i find a greater challenge, but in trying to avoid the circumstances that surround me, i fall into a steeper abiss. then i wake up and realize that not everything tha...
Posted by .::maria.aLe::. on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 06:57:00 PST

las guerras y el amor

este si lo puedes leer, pero porque sabes que la curiosidad te quema dentro... la misma curiosidad que mato al gato, la misma que llevo a estados unidos a iraq a buscar armas de destruccion masiva.......
Posted by .::maria.aLe::. on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 09:10:00 PST

reflexiones despues de un dia de fiesta

caminos y encuentros... fiestas donde el glamour se confunde con la falsedad, alfombras verdes, rojas y azules que se despliegan para ver pasar el pavo real ostentando su corona de oro falso, robado q...
Posted by .::maria.aLe::. on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 11:15:00 PST

vuelve la burra al trigo

la vida siempre te da mas de dos chances, podemos reinventarnos muchas veces y aprender de todo. el camino siempre es mas largo de lo que creemos, y recien empezamos a gatear, sin bordear ni siquiera ...
Posted by .::maria.aLe::. on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 08:02:00 PST

insignificant things can bring you dreams

11:53 pm, el estomago lleno y el corazón también, contento de empezar un nuevo año, uno mejor que los demás... apenas 3 de Enero y ya se cerró un ciclo pero asi mismo arrancó otro....en un laberinto u...
Posted by .::maria.aLe::. on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 09:08:00 PST