Well I think I will put my top 5 for now that or you can just ask me and i will tell you the rest.1 mY bOyFrIeNd!! 2 sHoPpInG!! 3 GeTtInG mY nAiLs dOnE!! 4 GoInG tO tHE bEaCh!! 5 WrItTinG pOeMs!!
Audrey Hepurn if she was still alive =( (and not sure who else HmMmMm i'll think of more i am sure!!)
Anything but COUNTRY!! i can't stand it i am sorry for those who like it but i am not into it.
Well i have seen alot since my boyfriend loves movies. I would have to say.. oh ya! and thease arn't in a order really. Fight Club The Notebook (i know it is totally a chick flick HaHa) oh man i can't think of anymore that stand out right now HmMm =/ i'll think about some and update soon i am sorry!!
I don't always have the time to watch T.V. but here is what i try and see when i have the time:Kings Of Queens The Simpons (Funny a girl watching this but I watch it with my brother) The Newlyweds Well the first and third if i get the chance!!
Anything that catches a good interest for me it just depends. But reading for school usually has some crap book that has 400 pages and have a month to read it that usually blows.
My Jesus, My daddy My big brother Matthew, and of course My boyfriend Billy but then again he is my EVERYTHING!!