writing, reading, booze, morally corrupt women, dogs
maybe you in a dark alley.
anything but sammy hagar
only on lifetime
i'm a news junkie. king of the hill.
What we talk about when we talk about love, cathedral and just about everything else Raymond Carver has written, Delilo's white noise, some hem, some bukowski (what a lush), chekov, dickens, Flannery O'Connor (in particular What Rises Must Converge), Tom Robbins, Tim O'Brien, Martin, Phillip K. Dick, Matt Ruff, Vonnegut, Saunders, Alice Munro, Larry Brown, Breece DJ Pancake, Henry Miller, Jonathan Safran Foer, Ed McClanahan, Barbara Kingsolver, Guy Davenport, Thomas Merton and Wendell Berry
hero sh-mero.