Everything. Particularly the middle east, philosophy, journalis,mtheology, music (anything), drinking(PBR,kamikazes, and various other drinks), military, cavalry, and trying to make sense of this crazy world. playing guitar, figuring out ways to say "Fuck the Government" without getting in trouble at work, the smell of gasoline, camel lights, conversations, The southwest, deserts, mountains, never feeling Florida humidity again, and much much more.
the archaeologist...
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oldies, country(Merle, Johnny, and George.. ), rock n roll, thekick/gasoline heart/ anything Louis Defabrizio does, Indie rock, yadda yadda
yes, I like movies.
family guy, simpsons, history channel, crime shows,etc
Authors: JD Salinger, David Sedaris, Jerzy Kosinski, George Orwell,Istvan Orkeny, Philip Caputo, vonnegut, azar nafisi, zana muhsen, kressman taylor,howard fast,the archaeologist,and anyone that writes from the heart and soul.
pimps and whores, bars and bartenders, cocktail waitresses,bums, miscreants,"illegal" immigrants, heretics, infidels, soldiers, enemies, mujahideen, friends, foe, allies, authors, readers, musicians, listeners, and anyone willing to take a stand and shout "lunacy! traitor! bullshit!,shite!,bollocks!,motherfucker! or sit the fuck down and keep their mouth shut- depending on what needs to be done and what they feel like doing. We have the freed(u)om(b) to do this and those that dont, are just free to be dumb, lazy, and everything else this country wasnt built on. Rome wasnt built in a day but it was damn near destroyed in one, and sadly from the inside. I fear thats happening to us now. ---- All fallen troopers, see you at Fiddler's Green.