Victor profile picture


My Interests


2 die 4, 2 Ton Predator, 20 Dead Flower Children, 21 Guns, 22-20s, 3 Inches Of Blood, 3rd & Mortal, 3rd & The Mortal, 40 Grit, 400 Blows, 44 Magnum 45 Grave, 59 Times The Pain, 69 Eyes, 7 Angels 7 Plagues, 80's Metal:bang Your Head, 91 Suite, A.c., A.c.t., A.n.i.m.a.l., Abaddon, Abgott, Abhorer, Ablaze My Sorrow, Aborted, Aborym, Above All, Abruptum, Abscess, Absconded, Absu, Abusement Park, Abyss, Abyssos, Ac/dc, Acacia Strain, Accept, Accused, Acheron, Acid Bath, Acid Drinkers, Acumen Nation, Adagio, Adam B,omb Adjudge,ment Adorior, Adramel,ech Adrenalin, O.d. Adrian Gal,e Adverts, Aeternus Aeturnus, After All, After For,ever Agalloch, Agathoda,imon Agathodalmon Age Of Re,bellion Age Of Rui,n Agent Steel, Agiel, Agnos,tic Front Agony ,Scene Agoraphobic Nosebleed Agresso,r Aina, Aion, Aker,cocke Al Atk,ins Al Borde Alabam,a Thunderpussy Alas, Alast,air Black Alcatr,azz Alchem,ist Alex Masi Alghaza,nth Alice In ,Chains Alien, All Els,e Is Failed All Tha,,t Remains Allied For0,ces Almighty, Altar Altaria Alys,,,,on Hell Amara,,,n Amaze Me Ambeon Amboss, Amebix, America,n Dog Amon Am,,arth Amon Duul,, Amon Duul I,i Amorphis, Amp Maga,zine Presents Amsvartner, Anaal Nathra,kh Anal Cunt Anal Cunt (a.,c.) Anal Stench,, Anasarca, Anata, Anathe,ma Ancient, Ancient ,Rites Ancient R,ites And Ocean,s Andi Deris, Andre (roy,al Hunt) Anderson Andre Ande,,rsen Andromeda, Anesthesy, Angel, Angel ,Dust Angel ,Witch Angelc,,orpse Angelo Perlepes Mystery Angels Angra,, Animal, Animosi,ty Ankhara, Annexus ,Quam Annihilato,r Anorexia N,ervosa Another Rac,,e Anterrabae, Anthem,, Anthenor,a Anthrax, Anthroph,obia Antimatte,r Antonius R,ex Antrobus & ,The Flying Hat Band Anvil,, Anyon,e's Daughter Apocal,ypse Theatre Apocaly,ptica Apophis, Apostasy, April Wine, Arachnes, Arc Storm, Arch Enem,y Arcturus, Arcurus &, Deception Circus Arjen Anth,ony Lucassen Ark, Arm,ageddon Armo,red Saint Armou,,red Angel Arrest Arson, Artens,ion Arthem,is Arti & M,estieri Artie Me,stieri Artillery,, Arwen, As Frie,nds Rust As Hope, Dies As I Lay ,Dying As We Fig,ht Asesino, Asgaroth, Aside Bes,ide Asperity, Asrai, Ass D,,raggers Assfort, At The ,Gates At The G,ates/grotesque At Vance,, Atila, Atom, Seed Atomi,zer Atrocit,y Attentio,n Deficit Attila Ca,shar Attrition Auberon, Audience, August Pr,ophecy Aura Noir,, Aurora,, Austerity, Program Autograph, Automatic ,7 Autopsy, Autum Lo,rds Autumn Cl,an Autumn Off,ering Avalon, Avantas,ia Avenged,, Sevenfold Avenger, Aviator, Awesom,e Machine Ax N Sex, Axe, Axel, Rudi Pell Axen,star Axxis, Ayreo,n Azrael, B Thon,g Babylon, Whores Backstab,bers Inc. Backyard ,Babies Bad Habit, Badlands, Baffdecks, Bal Sagoth, Balance Of ,Power Balatonizer, Baltimoore, Ban Jyang, Barathrum, Barcode, Barf, Baro,ness & Love Lies Bleeding Batho,ry Baton ,,Rouge Battlelor,e Battlelust, Battlezone, Beast (japa,,n) Beauty In Da,,,,,,,,rkness Beauty School Dropout Before The Dawn Behemoth Beherit, Behind ,,,The Curtain Beholder, Beloved (,us) Belphegor, Benediction, Benumb,, Bergthron, Bernd Witt,huser Bernie Mar,sden Bernie Torm,e Berzerker, Beseech,, Best Of H,eavy Metal Beto Infini,ty Vazquez Bewitched,, Beyond The, Embrace Beyond The ,,,Sixth Seal Big Iron, Bile,, Bill (e,arthworks) Bruford Billy S,heehan Biohaz,ard Biomec,hanical Birth Co,,ntrol Black,,,,,,, Black Dahlia Murder Black Dawn Black Ingvars Black League Black Mark.., Black Mark T,ribute Black Mass, Black N Blu,e Black Reign, Black Sabba,th Black Sabbat,h (tribute) Black Sheep, Black Tapes, Black Train J,ack Black Widow, Blackend, Blackend-,black Metal Blacklisted Blackmore,'s Night Blaze, Bleedi,,,,,=ng Through Blessing Th=e Hogs Blind Guardian Blinding Light... Bliss, Blitzk,rieg Blizard, Blood,, Blood C,,,,,ut Blood Divine Blood Duster Blood Of Christ Blood Red Angel Blood Red T,hrone Blood Stain C,hild Bloodbath,,,,, Bloodcult Bloodthorn, B 12,,,, B 3,,,,, B 52's, B And ,Medicine Wheel Allison B Band, B Beide,rbecke & Crosby B Beriga,n B Brookm,,eyer New Quartet B Bumble &, Stingers B Charlap, B Connect,ed B Crosby &, Miller B Dane & Ho,,pkins B Dash, B Dixon, & Koglmann B Eno & ,Byrne B Five, B Fleis,,chman B Frank,el B Friedm,an & Liebezei B Funk, B Garse,,d & Helmerich B Gigli, B Golso,n B Guy &, Wells B Herma,,nn B James &, Braun B James & ,Klugh B James & ,Whalum B Lunt & Ky,,oko Hashimoto B Lyatoshyns,,ky B Mcghee & Te,rry B More & Trio M,atamoros B Movie, B Negao, B Nilsson,, B Phillips &, Wareham B Rich,, B Sete ,& Winter B Sharp, Jazz Quartet B Shops ,For The Poor B Smetan,a B Somma ,,& John Campbell B Songs Of ,The Depression:boom B Stenberg &, Sweden B Stewart & Jo,,nes B Taylor, B Thong,,m B Traven, B Wills & ,.Mckinney Sisters B Wilson &,. Parks B Womack &, Cornelius B! Machine,. B&b Interna,tional B&s-urban Vi,,bes B&the Silver B,ulle Seger B'ehl, B'jam,,min Vs Marco Havel B'n'g, B'net ,Houariyat B'z, B(if,) Tek B(if),tek B*wit,ched B-12,, B-3's, B-52's, B-52s, B-agua,bella Velarde & F. B-blush, B-boys, B-c, B-ch,arme B-das,h B-def,,, B-eldor,ado B-fresh, B-hot Cr,eations B-legit, B-legit ,The Savage B-movie, B-movie ,He,roes B-movie R.,a,ts,,,, B-movie Rats-,hell,,,,benders B-pozitive B-ranzyk, B-recordin,,gs B-shops For, The Poor B-side Playe,rs B-sides, B-thong, B-tight, B-ton-k, B-tribe, B-violet, B. 14rto,k B. Absalo,n B. Achiary, B. Adolphe, B. Aliotti, B. Ashra/,ricky Deadking B. Bartok,, B. Beiderb,ecke & Whiteman B. Bennett ,& Nakkach B. Bentador,n B. Bermange, B. Blacher, B. Boydell, B. Brecht, B. Britten,, B. Broadst,ock B. Brustad, B. Bumble ,& Stingers B. Bumble &, The Stingers B. Carceres,, B. Carter & C,oleman B. Carter & Mu,ndy B. Carter & We,bster B. Castaldi,, B. Cavana, B. Cavanna, B. Christoff B. Cordans, B. Dale, B. De -y, Salaverde Selma B. Delou,,meaux B. Domna B. Ducol,, B. El-khou,ry B. Evans &, Bennett B. Evans & ,Scott B. Feleus,, B. Ferneyh,ough B. Ferrari, B. Fleishm,ann B. Frankel, B. Friedrich, B. Furrer, B. Galupp,i B. Gambet,ta & C. Aonzo B. Gigli, B. Godard B. Golds,chmidt B. Green, & G. Ammons B. Green ,& Malone B. Gunge, B. Gutniko,v B. Hambrae,us B. Heiden, B. Helster, B. Hendric,ks & Alexander B. Herrman,n B. Holiday &, Vaughan B. Holiday & ,Vaughn B. Holten, B. Hopkin,s B. Hoyoul, B. Humme,l B. Jestl, B. Johns,on B. Kruse, B. Kutavi,cius B. Lamon,d & Parkes B. Lang, B. Laure,nti B. Lee,, B. Lees, B. Lesne, B. Letort, B. Lewko,vitch B. Liberda,, B. Linde B. Lorentze,,n B. Lyatoshyn,sky B. Lytoshynsk,y B. Maderna, B. Mangore, B. Mantovan,i B. Marcello, B. Marini, B. Martinu, B. Mayerl,, B. Mayler, B. Neely, B. Orr,, B. Pach,elbel B. Parfai,te B. Parsad,anjan B. Pasquin,i B. Patterso,n B. Pauset, B. Powell, B. Randha,rtiger B. Reichel, B. Romber,g B. Roth, B. Rubin,,o B. Schlott, B. Schmitt, & Seelig B. Serense,n B. Sheng, B. Skrzyp,czak B. Smetan,a B. Spaan, B. Speach, B. Stavenh,agen B. Stevens, B. Storace, B. Strozzi,, B. Tate & Davis B. Tchaikov,sky B. Trombonc,ino B. Walter, B. Webste,r & Wilson B. Weill, B. Wilbe,,r & Davern B. Worlan,d B.-j. Baart,mans B.a. Aufschnaiter B.a. Dupuy,, B.a. Rolfe, B.a. Zimm,ermann B.a.p., B.a.p.s,. B.a.s.s., B.ashra, B.b King,, B.b. & Blu,es Shacks B.b. & Scre,aming Buddah H B.b. & The B,lues Shack B.b. & The St,ingers B.b. (sacd) Ki,ng B.b. Cunningh,am B.b. Doc, B.b. Jay B.b. Jero,,me B.b. King, B.b. King ,& Bland B.b. King &, Bobby Bland B.b. King & ,Crayton B.b. King & G,,uy B.b. King & Mu,ddy Waters B.b. King & Pat ,Metheny B.b. King & Wate,rs B.b. Mo-franck, B.b. Mophran, B.b. Nation, B.b. Seaton, B.b.& The Bl,ues Shacks B.b.e., B.b.jay, B.b.m., B.bumb,le & The Stingers B.c. Gilb,ert B.c. Kid, B.c.m.m,,ass Choir B.c.p., B.d. Es,cobedo B.d.f., B.dow,n B.down Presents: B.e.a.r,. B.e.d.,, B.e.f., B.e.l., B.e.p., B.e.v.,, B.f., B.g., B.g. ,Aka B. Gizzle B.g.(a,ka B.gizzle) B.g.k., B.h. Cr,usell B.i.g., B.j Co,le B.j. Ba,artmans B.j. Col,e B.j. Hag,en B.j. Thom,as B.j. Ward, B.j.'s, B.k.a., B.l. Re,ininger & S.brown B.l.i.m., B.m.dub,s B.m.g., B.monkey B.n.i, B.o.n,,. B.o.r.b. B.o.r.n,,,,,. B.o.s.e. B.o.y. B.p. Helium B.p. Johansen B.p.foulon Haudebourg B.p.m., B.p.vs.,,,effcee B.q.q., B,.r.a.k,,,.e. Critical Release Critical State Critics Critter Gitters Critters Critters 2 Critters 3 Critters 4 Critters Buggin Critters Buggin' Crivits Cro Magnon Cro Mags Cro(w)s Cro-mags Cro-mags.=tribute= Croatan Croatie Croc Files Croc Shop Crocats Croce Croce & Pellegrini Croce-azzaiolo-pacoloni Crockett & Stovepipe No. Crocketts Crocodile Crocodile 2 Crocodile Dundee Crocodile Dundee Ii Crocodile Dundee In Los Angel Crocodile God Crocodile Hunter Crocodile Shop Crocodiles Croft Croker-conboy Crom Crom-tech Cromagnon Cromatica Cromelech Cromlech Cromok Cromwell Cronaca Familiare (family Diary) Cronic Disorder Cronica 2013 (dos Mil Trece) Cronicas De La Frontera Cronite Cronos Cronos Titan Crook/lamy/harvey/schneebeli/musica A Crook/sempe/capriccio Stravagante Crooked Crooked Country Crooked Fingers Crooked Jack Crooked Jack & Billy Mcgu Crooked Jades Crooked Path Crooked Stilo Crooklyn Crooklyn Dub Outernationa Crooks Croon Croon And Swoon:classic Chris Croon And Swoon:classic Xmas Crooners Crooners & Divas Crooners Collection Crooners Of The 30's40's & 50 Crooners' Series Crop Circles Cropduster Cropknox Cropper-staples-king Crosby & Nash Crosby & Nash(dad) Crosby,stills,nash Crosby,stills,nash & Young Crosby-como-sinatra Crosby-nash Crosby-stills-nash-young Crosby/nash Crosby/sinatra Cross Cross Canadian Ragweed Cross Country Riiidahz Cross Creek Cross Culture Cross Currents Cross Dream Cross Iii Cross Movement Cross My Heart Cross Of Iron Cross Snake & Crown Cross That Line Cross-eyed Rosie Crossbread Crossbreed Crosscut Crossed Crusada Crossed Wire Crossfade Crossfire Crossfire Trail Crossfires Crossing Crossing Borders Crossing Green Crossing Jordan Crossing The Bridge Crossing The Line Crossley/knussen/ London Sinfonietta Crossover Crossover Classics Crossover Ensemble Crossover Hits 2000 Crossroad Crossroad Blues Band Crossroad Jam Crossroad Texasblues Crossroads Crossroads Spec Ed Crossroads:southern Routes Crosstalk Crossthread-thinktank Crosstops Crossway Crosswind Crossword Crossworlds Crouchen Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (+1 Bon Croupier Crow Crow Box Set Crow: City Of Angels Crow: Salvation Crow:city Of Angels Crow:salvation Crowbar Crowd Crowd Deterrant Crowd Of Isolated Crowd Shaker Crowded House Crowe Crowe Brothers Crowfish Crowhead Crowley's Passion Crowmatrix/professor Louie Crown Crown 10 Crown City Rockers Crown Heights Crown Heights Affair Crown Jewelz Crown Of Autumn Crown Of Jesus Crown Of Thorns Crown Of Thornz Crown Prince Waterford Crown Royals Crown Waterford Crownhate Ruin Crownhate Run Crowns Of Joy Crowpath Crows Crows & Wrens Crows-harptones Crows-wrens Crows/wrens Crowsdell Crox Croydon Sda Gospel Choir Cru Cruachan Crucial Chicago Blues Crucial Conflict Crucial Dj Pilchardz Crucial Guitar Blues Crucial Harmonica Blues Crucial Kick Crucial Live Blues Crucial Robbie Crucial Slide Guitar Blues Crucial Texas Blues Crucial Unit Crucial Unit-municipal Wa Crucial Unit/municipal Waste Crucial Vibes Crucial Youth Crucible Crucible Of Terror Crucif*cks Crucified Crucifix Crucifix.=tribute= Crucifucks Crucis Crude Crude Infinity Crude Society System Crudup Brothers Crue-l Grand Orchestra Cruel & Unusual Cruel And Unusual Cruel Criminal Cruel Cruel Love/film Johnny Cruel Frederick Cruel Game Cruel Intentions Cruel Intentions & Selected S Cruel Intentions 2 Cruel Intentions 3 Cruel Romance Cruel Sea Cruelty Campaign Cruentus Cruise Control Cruiser Cruisers Cruisers 1.0 Cruisin' Cruisin' To Motown Cruising Toki Hide Cruising: Best Of Drive Cruiskeen Crumb Crumb-ives Crumb-ruders-lennon Crumb-wernick Crumbacher Crumbs Crumbsuckers Crummu Stuff Crummy Stuff Crunch Crunch Beats Crunch Presents Music To Swea Crunch:boot Camp Training Crunch:burn & Firm Pilates Crunch:candlelight Yoga Crunch:cardio Salsa Crunch:cardio Sculpt Crunch:fat Burning Dance Part Crunch:fat Burning Pilates Crunch:pick Your Spot Pilates Crunch:total Yoga Crunch:yoga Mama Cruncher Crunchy Punch Crunk Crunk & Disorderly: Crunk Classics Crunk'd Crunkin'g Style Crunt Crusa Caye Crusacaye Crusade In The Pacific Crusader Crusaders Crusell Crusell-kozeluch-winter Crusell-kreutzer-reicha Crusell-spohr-kozeluh-kro Crush Crush (rock) Crush 40 Crush Groove Crush Kill Destroy Crush My Calm Crush Story Crush/point Of No Return Crusher Joe Crushing Blow Crushing Caspars Crushstory Crusing (ft Toki) Crust Crustacean Crusties Crusty Demons Crusty Demons Of Dirt Crusty Demons Of Dirt 2 Crusty Demons Of Dirt 3 Crusty Demons Of Dirt 4 Crutch Crux Crux Caelifera Crux-the Samples Crux/the SamplesMayhem Maze Of Torment Mc5 Mcguinness Flint Md.45 Mecca Medication Meduza Megadeth Megaforce Megaherz Megalomaniax Mekong Delta Melechesh Meliah Rage Melodyssey Memory Garden Menace Mennen Menza Mephistopheles Merciless Mercury Tide Mercyful Fate Mercyful Fate (tribute) Meridian Meshuggah Messiah's Kiss Metal Metal Blade:20th Anniversary Metal By Metal Metal Church Metal Dreams Metal For Muthas Metal Madness Metal Mania Metal Maniacs Presents: Metal Massacre Metal Mike Metal Molly Metal Rarities Metal Thunder Metal Underground 2000 Metal Years: Metalheads Metalium Metallic-era Metallica Metallica (tribute) Metalmania 2003 Metalmeister Metalux Metroschifter Mezzerschmitt Michael Group Schenker Michael Harris Michael Katon Michael Kiske Michael Lee Firkins Michael Monroe Michael Project Vescera Michael Romeo Michael Schenker Midget Midnight Sun Mikael Erlandsson Mike Tramp Millenium Mind Odyssey Mindfield Mindgrinder Mindsnare Mint 400 Miocene Misanthrope Misconduct Misdemeanor Misery Misery Index Misery Signals Mist Mistress Mistweaver Mithotyn Mithras Mjolnir Mnemic Mob Rules Mollo & Martin Molly Hatchet Monkey Cab Monkeyhead Monks Monster Magnet Monsters Of Metal Monsters Of Rock Monstrosity Monumentum Moon Moonlight Moonlyght Moonspell Morbid Angel Morbid Angel (tribute) Morbid Angel(tribute) More 80's Hair Metal More I See Morgana Le Fay Morgana's Kiss Morgenstern Morgion Morgul Morifade Mork Gryning Morning Again Moro/martin Mors Est Principium Mors Principiums Est Morta Skuld Mortal Decay Mortal Terror Mortem Mortician Mortification Mortiis Mortuary Most Precious Blood Mother Of Soul Mothers Army Motley Crue Motorhead Motorhead (tribute) Motorhead/girlschool Mott Mountain Moxy Mr Big Mudvayne Mullmuzzler Munetaka Higuchi Murder Inc Murder One Murder Squad Murderdolls Mushroomhead Mutilated Mutilation My Dying Bride My Fate My Ruin Myrkskog Mysterium Mystery Mystic Circle Mystic Healer Mystic Prophecy Mystifier Mystrez Mythos N.a.o.p. N8 Naamah Naglfar Nagra Nail Within Nailbomb Naoto Shibata Napalm Death Narnia Nastasee Nasty Savage Nasum Nathan Mahl Native Instinct Nattefrost Nazareth Nde Neal Morse Near Dark Nebula Nebula/low Rider Necrodeath Necronomicon Necrophagia Necrophagist Necrophobic Necrosphere Negura Bunget Nehemiah Nemesis Neoblast Compilation 3 Nergal Network Neuraxis Neurosis Nevermore New American Shame New England New England Metal Hardcore 20 New York Rock & Roll Ensemble Newtown Neurotics Ni Hao Nickelback Nicodemus Nifelheim Night In Gales Night Rage Nightfall Nightfist Nightingale Nightrage Nightwish Nile Nine Ninnuam Nitzinger No Fun At All Noctiferia Noctural Rites Nocturnal Rites Nocturnus Nocturnus/anata & Darkside Nokturnal Mortum Nomads Nomed Nominon Nonexist Nora Norma Jean Norselaw Norther Northwind Nose/manwoman Nostradamus Nothingface Notre Dame Novembers Doom Novembre Noxagt Nra Nuclear Assault Nuclear Blast Festivals 2000 Nuclear Tribunal Nudeswirl Nukey Pikes Nuno Nyia O.s.i. Obituary Obligatorisk Tortyr Obsession Occult October 31 Odd Project Odes Of Ecstasy Odin Officer Negative Ohgr Ohm Old Dead Tree Old Man's Child Omen Omnium Gatherum On Broken Wings On The Rise On Thorns I Lay One 4 One Onkel Tom Oomph Opera Ix Opeth Opposed To Violence Opposite Earth Oppressor Opus Atlantica Orange Goblin Oratory Organic Infest Origin Orion Orion Riders Orphanage Orphaned Land Ostrogoth Out Outrage Overdose Overdrive Overkill Ozric Tentacles Ozzy (tribute) Osbourne Ozzy Osbourne Pagan's Mind Pagazus Paice/ashton/lord Pain Emission Pain Of SalvationInfernal Torment Infestation Inhaler Inhumane Inhume Iniquity Inner Wish Innocent Insane Insania Insision Insomnium Inspecter 7 Integrity Integrity 2000 Intensity Intergrity 2000/fear Tomorrow Internal Bleeding Internal Suffering Internal Void Internecine Interzone Into Eternity Into The Blizzard Into The Blizzard: Invocator Ion Dissonance Iq Iron Butterfly Iron Fire Iron Fortress Iron Maiden Iron Maiden (tribute) Iron Maiden(tribute) Iron Mask Iron Savior Ironlung Isegrim Isengard Isis It Bites Ivory Tower J.b.o. Jack Frost Jack Guardians Of Flame Starr Jackyl Jade Jade Warrior Jaded Heart Jadis Jag Panzer Jaguar Japanese Assault Jasad Jason Becker Jason(tribute) Becker Jaww Jean Beauvoir Jean Pierre Alarcen Jeff Scott Soto Jerkstore Jester's March Jesus Christ Superstar Jim Jidhed Jim Martin Jim Matheos Jimmy Page Jk Northrup Joe Lynn Turner Joe Satriani Joe Stump Joey Tafolla Johansson Johansson Brothers Johansson/johansson/holdsworth John Arch John Davis John Martyn John Norum John Wetton Jon Lord Jonas (band) Hansson Jonas Hansson Joop Wolters Jordan Rudess Jorn Jorn Lande Judas Priest Judas Priest (tribute) Julie Laughs No More Jump The Gum Jungle Rot Kaamos Kadenzza Kalibus/rune Kalmah Kamelot Karelia Karma To Burn Karmakanic Karmic Jera Kataklysm Katatonia Kayak Keith Caputo Kelly Simonz Kenziner Kevin Coyne Khold Khymera Kilgor Kill Ii This Killdozer Killengod Killer Killer Dwarfs Killers/exciter/skyclad Killwhitneydead Kina King Diamond King Diamond (tribute) King Kobra King Mungi King Of Darkness King's Evil King's X Kingdom Come Kiss Kittie Kix Klank Knuckledust Knut Koldborn Konkhra Korn Korpiklaani Kotipelto Koufax Kovenant Krabathor Kratathor Kreator Kreator (tribute) Krisiun Kristendom Krokus Krown Rules Krutch Krux Kult Ov Azazel Kvikksolvguttene Kyoko Yamamoto L.a. Guns L.a.guns L7 La Maschera Di Cera Labyrinth Lacrimas Profundere Lacrimosa Lacuna Coil Lake Emerson & Palmer(tribute Lake Of Tears Lamb Of God Lana Lane Lars Erik Mattsson Last Autumn's Dream Last Drop Last Hard Men Last Tribe Last Warning Laudamus Laurels Leash Law Leather Leave's Eyes Led Zeppelin (tribute) Lee Aaron Lefay Left Hand Solution Leftovers Legacy Of Hate Legen Beltza Legion Legs Diamond Lengsel Les Morts Leslie West Liar Life Of Agony Life Once Lost Lightmare Lillian Axe Limbonic Art Limbus 4 Limp Bizkit Linkin Park Lionheart Lionsheart Liquid Tension Experiment Lita Ford Lithium Little Brother Big Living End Living Sacrifice Lizzy Borden Loaded Lock Up Lodeen Lollipop Lust Kill Lone Star Lordian Guard Lost Horizon Lost In Tears Lost Soul Lost Weekend Loud Music For Loud People Louder Than The Dragon Loudmouth Loudness Love History Love Is Red Loverboy Loveslide Luca Turilli Lucifer's Friend Luciferion Luddite Clone Ludichrist Lujuria Lullaby Lullacry Lumsk Luna Field Lunar Aurora Lunaris Lungbrush Luzifer Sam Lynch & Pilson Lyzanxia M.o.d. Macabre Macabre Minstrels Machine Head Machine Men Mactatus Mad Mongols Madball Madder Mortem Madjik Magellan Magenta Magic Kingdom Magna Carta Magnitude 9 Magnum Mago De Oz Maharahj Majestic Majesty Major Burns Maleficium Malevolent Creation Malicious Malignancy Malmonde Mama's Boys Man Man Vs Humanity Man Will Surrender Mangled Manic Eden Manigance Mannerheim Manowar Manticora Marc Ferrari Marcel Coenen Marcy Marduk Mario Millo Mark Boals Mark Hafer Marky Ramone & Intruders Marshall Law Martha & The Muffins Marty Friedman Martyr Marzi Master Master's Hammer Mastermind Masterplan Masters Of Metal Masters Of Reality Mastodon Matal Mania Mattias Eklundh MattssonPale Forest Pandaemonium Pandemia Pantera Pantera (tribute) Panzerchrist Paradigma Paradise Lost Paragon Paralysis Pariah Parzival Passenger Pat Torpey Path Of Debris Pathos Paul Di'anno Paul Di'anno & Killers Paul Gilbert Paul Killers Di'anno Paul Raymond Paul Samson Pazuzu Peacock Beams Peccatum Pelican Penance Pendragon Pentagram Penumbra Perfect Murder Perpetua Pestilence Pete Brown Pete Lesperance Pete Sandberg Pete Way Peter Band Stevens Pettypew Phenomena Phil Lewis Phobia Pierre Vervloesem Pig Destroyer Pik Pike Pile Up Pink Cream 69 Pissing Razors Pist*on Pitchshifter Place Of Skulls Plan 9 Platitude Playing Enemy Pod People Poison Poisonblack Polish Assault Popol Vuh Pore Porretas Possessed Postmortem Pothead Poverty's No Crime Powder Powell Young Power Quest Power Symphony Practical Joke Praying Mantis Premature Ejaculation Premonitions Of War Pretty Maids Primal Fear Primordial Prism Pro-pain Probot Professional Murder Music Project Hate Project Hate Mcmxcix Prong Prophecy Proxy Psi Kore Psycho Motel Psychotogen Psycore Psycroptic Pulsar Punishable Act Punishment Purification Purulent Spermcanal Purusam Push Putrid Pile Pyaemia Pygmalion Pyramaze Pyrexia Quartz Queensryche Queensryche (tribute) Quiet Riot Quireboys Quo Vadis Racer X Radiator Radio 4 Radio Terror Radioactive Rage Raging Slab Raging Speedhorn Ragnarok Raid Rainbow Raise Hell Raised Fist Ralph Santolla Rammstein Rammstein (tribute) Ramos Randy Coven Ransom Rapture Ratt Raunchy Ravager Raven Ravenous Raventhrone Raw Power Rawhead Rexx Razor Razor's Edge Reb Beach Rebaelliun Rebellion Rebirth Rebreather Red Harvest Red King Red Rider Red Roses For A Blue Lady Reef Regurgitate Reign Of Erebus Reign Of Terror Reingold Relapse Singles Series Remembering Never Repulsion Requiem Resurrected Revoltons Rhapsody Richie Kotzen Rick Renstrom Rifles At Recess Rik Emmett Ring Ring Of Fire Riot Risk Ritchie Blackmore Ritchie Sambora Ritual Ritual Carnage Rival Roachpowder Road Kill Rob Halford Rob Rock Robbie Buchanan Robby Valentine Robin Trower Rocket Scientists Rockthology Rods Roger Glover Roine Stolt Roland Grapow Ronnie Le Tekro Ronnie Montrose Rorschach Test Rosae Crucis Rose Of Rose Rose Tattoo Rotten Sound Rotting Christ Routine Roxx Gang Roy Wood Royal Hunt Rtz Ruins Runaways Running Wild Runrig Rush Lidell Rusty Cooley Ruts S.i.n. S.o.d. S.o.d.(stormtroopers Of Death Sabbtail Saber Tiger Sabu Sacred Steel Sadis Euphoria Sadistik Exekution Sadus Sagitarrius Saigon Kick Saint Vitus Sakkuth Salacious Gods Salem Sally's Skin Sam Alex Samael Samhain Sammy Hagar Samson Samus Sanatorium Sanctuary Sandrose Sangiuliano Sarcofago Sass Jordan Satan Satanic Slaughter Satanic Surfers Satariel Satyricon Savage Savatage Saxon Saxon (tribute) Scalplock Scanner Scar Culture Scariot Scarr Scars Of Tomorrow Scarve Sceptic Schattenkinder Scheitan Schenker/pattison Scholomance Scissorfight Scorn Scorpions Scorpions (tribute) Scorpions/berliner Philharmoniker Scorpions/berliner Philharmoniker Orc Scott Mac Gills Scraps & Heart Attacks Scream Screamin Mother Screaming Audio Screaming Headless Torsos Scumgrief Sebastian Hardie Secret Sphere Section A Segression Seikima-ii Sensa Anima Sensorium Sentenced Sentinels Septic Cemetary Septic Flesh Sepultura Seraphim Serberus Serenity Serial Butcher Serpent Serpent Obscene Servotron Seth Setherial Seven Gates Of Horror Seven Wishes Seven Witches Sevendust Seventh Key Seventh Star Severe Torture Severed Head