LunchBox ProducTions profile picture

LunchBox ProducTions


About Me

Greetings fellow movie lovers. This is the site for the new film "company" LunchBox ProducTions. We are dedicated to your film enthusiasm. We have several productions already in the works, just respond to the appropriate blog for information. These will all be low-no budget movies, shorts, commercials, whatever we can think of to do.They will also be filmedin and around the Oakdale area. This is also for our own enjoyment, no profits will be made from any of the films created by our crew. That being said, We look forward to having a great time filming! All right enough of this small talk...lets shoot!

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My Blog

HIJINX! is here!

Hijinx is an Oakdlae version of Jackass, Wavers Will be signed by anone wanting to participate in tasks, or events. they will be notarized and legal. i have the power to do that! hee hee hee. nothing ...
Posted by LunchBox ProducTions on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 09:44:00 PST

Rocky Horror Picture How remake...

we have most of the main cast, we need a Rocky, and  Dr. Scott, and The old guy telling the story. oh yeah and lots of extras. send me a message if you think you are up to the task.
Posted by LunchBox ProducTions on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 09:44:00 PST