- Glitter Graphics - MySpace Layouts - Speak Teen Community
I was born Pyun, Mi Ra in Seoul, South Korea. I was adopted at 8 months of age and was raised in rural Scandinavian Minnesota. So I say Uff Da and sometimes sound like I could be an extra in the movie Fargo...I even like lutefisk! In 1995, I had the thrill of being reunited with my birth family. I have been to Korea four times (you can read about my most recent trip back in my blog - trip blog starts Oct.26, 2006) to visit my birth parents, brothers and extended family. I also had the honor of having my Korean family attend my wedding in 2000.
I am recently divorced from my husband, so this past year or so has been filled with a lot of change and sadness, but also a lot of hope and empowerment. I have evovled and become more of myself and am more clear about what is important in my, my stepsons, friends, community and self. I am looking forward to new beginnings and am enjoying being a first time homeowner! I am sooooo thankful for the support of my family and friends and for the best roommate a girl could ask for!!!
I'm a Balanced Yogi!
A Balanced Yogi
You love your friends unconditionally and accept them for who they are no
matter what their yoga style preference, religious beliefs, or spending habits.
You focus on the good in people and would never try to change them. Almost
everyone feels comfortable in your presence. You live your yoga. You are an
inspiration to yoga students everywhere!
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Guess I better start traveling more...
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!