Monism, humanism, assessing American hyper-individualism, community, romanticism, linguistics, Anti-Corporate Greed, ecological responsibility, the field of ethnoelimination, PEACE ON EARTH, a good laugh, the most prostrate of humilities, steamy prostate abilities, integrity/honesty, dada, inspiration, culture, or is it uncouth? piracy and savvy pirate parlance, perfume, body odour-- amongst many other delectable renditions of olfactory stimuli, subtlety, the accordion, the piano, atheism, Buddhism, Jainism, satire, elocution, absurdism, counter-absurdism, spontaneity, pepperoncini, aubergine, chartreuse, hoegaarden, Adolphe Sax, Star Trek, Christian Schad, Beksinski, the aesthetic and companionship of Canidae, the 1790's, the 1920's, the 1980's, science, anti-commercialism, dirty poo-poo jokes.The Pursuit of the Wry...Live every day appreciating the stringent taste of the realization that you could have been born any other person. Life is by its very nature provocative. This is why oral sex must be provoked!
I'm neither interested in ego, nor zee parochial minds. In general, I am not partial to an excessive reliance on labels. Strict dichotomous thinking and self-classifications are all so skunky, and melikes to smell as an august tulip. A roaming turtle once told me by the highwayside that an excessive reliance upon any particular scene, artistic movement, or so-called lifestyle and so on, stagnates the natural volatility of the individual becoming in effect a type of blotchy credo tainting our existence. This is undesirable. Use ninja turtle wax! Define yourself by expression of who you reaalllly are"a hairstyle's not a lifestyle" .... Be an individual. Fuck juxtaposing critique. Judge everything by its own merit or, perhaps, do not judge at all! I want to meet honest, ribald and wickedly diverting characters.
Jacques Brel, And Also the Trees, Yann Tiersen, Bowie, T. Rex, Swiss/Parallèles de Montségur, Hazel O'Connor, Bauhausisms, Cinema Strange, Smashing Pumpkins, Metro Decay, Sufi/Qawwali, the Sound, Welle:Erdball, Magazine, Dagons, Sisters of Mercy, Xymox, Armand Lassagne.
V For Vendetta! Doctor Zhivago!!! Cocteau, Clouzot, Ridley Scott, Bunuel, Fulci and Jeunet. Maybe Herzog. Definitely ninja turtles. Life + Debt. Ridicule. Sade. 'Private Resort' and virtually all movies starring Johnny Depp. New York Doll. The Hunger. Madness of King George. Basketcase. Ferdinando e Carolina. Suburbia. Nanook of the North. Dead Alive. Star Trek, especially the Next Generation. the Fly. Krull. Legend. Shaun of the Dead. In This World. the Chorus. Strangers with Candy. Liquid Sky. Willow. Outfoxed. Orwell Rolls in his Grave. the Corporation. BLOODSPORT !!!!!!!!!!!
Eugene Ionesco, somerset maugham, ludwig tieck, sartre, guy de maupassant, Hugo, Greg Spotts- "CAFTA AND FREE TRADE," eric schlosser (Fast Food Nation), Stephen Kinzer (All the Shah's Men), Dostoyevsky (Notes from the Underground), Jostein Gaarder (Sophie's World), Greg Palast, Deborah Tannen, camus, my Cultural Anthropology text, chomsky, brecht, jules romains, gore vidal, National Geographic, Dissent Magazine, The Nation, Adbusters, LA Weekly and a plethora of historical non-fiction....
Peter Murphy. la mettrie, the weather underground, pierre proudhon, sade, holbach, george Sand, ronny moorings, Hippasos, Democritus. Anyone who is poor or repressed and fights for their embetterment, all aspects included (an education, a revolution, a preponderant rimjob).