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About Me

i love jesus and people and risks. beautiful froth. really smooth sea glass. the smell of boat motors. the slidey sound on an acoustic guitar. defining words with moments.
i love that smells ignite memories. leather, coffee, newspaper, the ocean, fall days, mmmm christmas trees (take it in slowly...) new books, old books, middle-age books, friend's distincty scents.. even the sweaty runners because i feel like ive accomplished things BIG things - like marathons and such. sometimes im very shy. and i like it. my grandparents are good smelling folks. teen spirit.
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"A creature revolting against a creator is revolting against the source of his own powers--including even his power to revolt...It is like the scent of a flower trying to destroy the flower." - C.S. Lewis
i don't know -- this myspace things is a little bit silly. i really don't like sugar coating things and people that do - bother me. i go in spurts where i really do not enjoy contractions - and i make an effort not to write using them - luckily those spells don't last long - i love the little subtle things in life -- i think its hilarious when just you and one other person in the room notice something that a crowd of people overlook - art intrigues me - and music is a huge huge part of who i am. i really dont like the words budget - posture - discipline - or noggin. i love people and their eyes and SMILES and the stories behind them. i love ART and playing with KIDS -- feeling small standing under MOUNTAINS and huge when on top...i love REAL-NESS and being around people who aren't afraid of rejection. . i love those moments when you stop and realize that everything is just SO Perfect and those times in life when it seems like nothing is - crumbling...you are able to just give it all back to the one who has it under control- i like having long deep CONVERSATIONS while eating mint chocoalte chip ice cream. i love people that can make me laugh soo hard it hurts --(I think that may be the best feeling in the world - being around people who you love and LAUGHING so hard you can't breathe or even think of standing up)i like to daydream about the future and ETERNITY (WOW)  and get exctied about what God has planned for me. i love babies and surprises. i do wear high-heels when i excersise - as if lifting weights wasn't already s-e-x-y. the perfect day in my mind involves lots of roller coastering and soaking in a beautiful thunderstorm storm or two. i am going to climb mt. kilimanjaro on my honeymoon wearing only hiking boots. i love top model and that 70s show. i think i might win the amazing race in the near future. i am an extreme person - balance is a tough concept for me to understand :) i hate when good music becomes mainstream and lamely popular. i am afraid of chickens and the white furry flying luck dragon - that is obviously not a dog in the neverending story. i like funny people who dont need spotlights.
"People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self centered; Forgive them anyway.If you are kind, People may accuse you of selfish,ulterior motives;Be kind anyway.If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;Succeed anyway.If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;Build anyway.If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;Be happy anyway.The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;Give the world the best you've got anyway..." Mother Theresa

My Interests

.black and white photography.
.playing with candle wax.
.driving fast.
.live loud good music.
.bonfires on the beach.
.studded belts.
.celebrating birthdays for a month.
.everything about the ocean.
.county fairs.
.the smell of play-dough.
.burts bees chapstick.
.dogs that are big and real instead of tiny and yappy and fluffy.
.taking a break from maturity with my best friends.
.sunrise runs on the shore when i decide to not be lazy.
.learning to live without an agenda.
.morning coffee.
.people that do not like cats.
.hockey sounds.
.chai at acoustic cafe.
.being barefoot with red toenail polish.
.my dads omlets.
.justifying skipping class.
.good hair days.
.daphina roadtrip.
.white squeeky wisconsin cheese curds.
.dancing at inappropriate moments.
.listening to kids explain things.
.beautiful food.
.mister rodgers.
.brushing my teeth.
.deep conversations.
.ridiculous disco-ing in ireland.
.dill pickles.
.red kite organic beer.
.knowing passionate genuine people.
.the smell of art erasers.
.fresh flowers.

I'd like to meet:

my muscles.
people. who love. who care about others. who are anything but down to earth. i want to meet dreamers and thinkers - people who dont just have desires and ambition. i want to meet others who see beauty.


. family force 5. rocky votolato. aberfeldy. the go team. deerhoof. radiohead. the boo radleys. coldplay. feist. the killers. george byrne. eagles of death metal. sonicflood. delirious. frou frou. the strokes. raconteurs. wolf and cub. jack johnson. semisonic. newsboys. white stripes. jose gonzalez. incubus. u2. yeah yeah yeahs. cat power. bright eyes. belle and sebastian. modest mouse. regina spektor. flaming lips. camera obscura. baby shambles. alanis morissette. anberlin. weezer. fusebox. chris tomlin. emery. armor for sleep. la symphony. dropkick murphys. barenaked ladies. rufio. plain white tees. the roosevelts. third day. eve 6. third eye blind. the elms. pulley. jimmy eat world. nelly furtado. alien ant farm. new found glory. green day. augustana. ben lee. matt costa. the little willies. guster. dave matthews. the wood brothers. the used. a tribe called quest. tori amos. thousand foot krutch. tom waits. the black keys. something corporate. the shins. senses fail. scissor sisters. salt n pepppppa. the rocket summer. red hot chili peppers. dashboard confessional. norah jones. jonny lang. james taylor. death cab for cutie. the profits. paul simon. the beatles. outkast. the wonders. youth group. the subways. aqualung. smashmouth. ray lamontagne. mxpx. iron and wine. cary brothers. counting crows. beastie boys. save ferris. sister hazel. oasis. nirvana. matchbox twenty. m ward. letter kills. jars of clay. indigo girls. david crowder band. dont look down. the cranberries. bob marley. john mayer. sherwood. mourning september. the ramones. sublime. five iron frenzy. sara groves. the rocket summer. goo goo dolls.  our lady peace. sufjan stevens. hot hot heat. snow patrol. philmore. gomez. country - my roots (i sing super loud)

My Blog

strawberries and babies.

today. is full of some rainy storm goodness. i just ate three beautifully delicious strawberries while talking to my mommadear. shes a new grandma. and was trying to find the perfect name... if you ha...
Posted by emily on Fri, 02 May 2008 10:13:00 PST

stretch with mr. body as your m-o-t-i-v-a-t-i-o-n.

well goodness - that certainly is annoying - i didnt write that car-bob marely - rain - ugly brown "stickouted" one tonight - thats just crazy - that was a year ago. Tom - tom - tom. i ...
Posted by emily on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 12:26:00 PST

stir it up. this is not about vehicles.

come on baby - stirrr it up. I have bob marley stuck in my head and its raining outside my window and its beautiful. I forget so quickly the blessings that God has POURED (like that?) out on me. I am ...
Posted by emily on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:27:00 PST

your love is extravagant...

your friendship, it is intimate. i feel im moving to the rhythm of your grace. your fragrance is intoxicating in this secret place. this is not about web. html. or tech. if thats why you opened it - ...
Posted by emily on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 08:59:00 PST

i like this.

the album leaf Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by emily on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 05:58:00 PST

who is shaihu umar?

i am back in this fun little game called college. currently annoyed with my african issues class - so my book was just thrown HARD onto my bed. i have such a lovely family - my mommasita called today ...
Posted by emily on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:23:00 PST

so excited to...

dance with joy - "airforce one style"!!!!! hug hard and long drive with christmas music blaring work and make people grin/forget/laugh/smile/hope have hockey dates with everybody  tattoo/pizza&n...
Posted by emily on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 03:23:00 PST

candybars for breakfast

There's always something In the way There's always something Getting through But it's not me it's You Sometime's ignorance Rings true But hope is not in What I know Not in me It's in You It's all I kn...
Posted by emily on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 03:04:00 PST

christmas came early this year.

im not feeling morose especially about my pets - but i did want to see what the face would look like... kind of dumb- really. if mr. and mrs. bigger had a baby... who would be the biggest of the three...
Posted by emily on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 03:06:00 PST

undo me

what's a podcast?! a few days ago i ran out the huge doors of a 400 year old castle - palace - beautiful house with a backpack on... yes my back. the pack was on my back.  it was raining and wind...
Posted by emily on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 02:28:00 PST