shelley profile picture


wE StruggLe wiTh eQuaTionS wHeN SiMpLiCity's tHe KeY...

About Me

Truly a gemini! Do try and catch me on my happy days. Certified daydreamer! I love to see my loved one in dreamland, I wish he could take me into his dreamworld and be with him in his dreamcity... i don't want to be just like any of you..indifferent and cold to strangers but somehow friendly... hahah.. got that?! i love attention but not too much, I wanna be appreciated.. I can stand doing nothing..i love sleeping,maybe because when i sleep, i have dreams and in dreams, magical things happen i love the night sky.. i've always found it amazing.. i tend to be selfish most of the time. i hate pretentions. I want to travel the world. I can be tough but I really prefer not to be. submmissive especially when inlove yet rebellious and lastly, just a person who aims nothing but real happiness with??

My Interests

TrYing HarD to Be a MusiCian--I like to PlaY the PiaNo, GuiTar and FluTe..TryiNg haRd to be in ArTs--I liKe SketChinG FaCes...stAr-gazing, watching MoviEs, going to the gym, i like hiKing, BeaCh and SunsEt..I loVe spenDing TiMe with frienDs and my FaMiLy...

I'd like to meet:

wanted: dead or alive---SCOTT JONES; if You DoNt LovE me aT mY WorsT, TheN yOu DoNt DeSerVe mE aT mY BeST!!!can deal with people of all sorts.


gothic-rock, light alternative, some emo-punk, sentimental music, old rock, classic, slow jam... san francisco, happy birthday-scott version..


iF onLy, cLicK, cHanCes aRe, CiTy of anGeLs, LoVe me If YoU DaRe (french movie), DaNgeRous BeauTy, wHaT dReaMs my Come, cOuNT of MonTe cRi$To, MeeT joE bLacK, coN aiR, SerenDipiTy, BuTTerfLy eFFecT, $iMoNe, pReTTy WoMaN, HoUsE oN HaUnTed HiLL, The NoTeBooK, sEcReT GarDeN, HoW to LooSe a GuY in TeN DaYs, DraGonFly, JeRseY GirL, sTepforD wiVeS, PaYcHecK, 50 FiRsT DaTes, WhiTe CHiCK, Kung Fu HustLe, eTerNaL SunShine of The SpoTLess MiND, ConSTanTiNe, IT, daTe with an AnGeL, d dEviL's aDvocaTe, deRaiLed, tHe God'S MuST be cRazY I & II, pHanTom oF tHe OpeRa, an AmEricAn TaLe anD oTheR cLasSic FiLms


doraemon, mtv classic and detective conan


reading makes me bored but this one really entertains me..(psychology book) kokology...


My hero? I dnt think it wud be superman, hu'd swoop down, gve me a kis then he'l vanish 4evr..Not spiderman, hu'l jz save me then crawl back & save anoder girl..I don't want batman because he's bin w/robin evr sins..Not jz a price charming hu wud take me to his castle, dance w/me but let me leave when the clock strikes 12. Not peter pan, hu'd take care of me and fly w/me up in the sky but then only to find out that his heart still belongs to Wendy.. I think my hero would be shreck, not perfect but real...