I'd like to meet Calvin and Hobbes, many beautiful women, and John Jamison and his Son so I could shake their hands. Oh yeah, and even though I know most of these people in real life, I'd really like to meet the comic versions of us.
I don't even know where to begin, but i will anyway. I am a huge fan of Rage Against the Machine, Van Morrison, Old Fuel, Old Metallica, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Stonesour, Louis Armstrong, Mozart, B.B. King, Collective Soul, Tom Petty, Dave Mathews, Slipknot, Pantara, Frank Sinatra (and the rest of the Rat Pack), Johnny Cash, Nine Inch Nails, Jay Z, Run DMC, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Audioslave, Eminem, Flogging Molly, Gravity Kills, James Taylor, Jimmy Eat World, Lucero. Lets Face it if it isn't total crap i like it if not love it.
T.V. is good. There is some damn good writing out there if you are willing to look for it. For example, anything Joss Whedon, Boston Legal, Rome, Studio 60, Rescue Me, Entourage, Family Guy; The Simpsons, House, and many more but at this point in time I am getting tired of making list's.
Ok, I'm a book dork and frankly I think it's a good thing. The written word gives me more then i could ever hope to describe. Some of my favorite books (and believe me, there are plenty) are Dickens-A tale of two cities, Russo-Empire Falls, and Strait Man, Christopher Moore-Lamb, A Dirty Jobe,Coyte Blue... Hell anything the man has written, Zusak-The book theif, and The Messanger, various plays including The Pillowman, The Leeanne trilogy, On the Open Road, well I just love plays, anything Plato, Steinbeck's Cannery Row, Dan Brown's books... ok lists suck lets just say I love reading and leave it at that!
I don't believe in them.