volleyball..pool..beach..jordan kickz..travellin..booze&cigs..coffee..kids..curly fries..spaghetti..chinese food..sour food..chocolates..salt and vinegar chips***yum yum***...soup any kind..canteloupe..mangoes(green&yellow)make up..small purses..hats..jackets..movies..cartoons..little toddlers..realization talks..mature peeps..my J.O.B..family and friends...AYANA MONET DURANT OF COURSE
my old friends...
i can pretty much listen to anything but hard rock...and heavy metal *yuck*
Tons of Songs at WebCodez.com!
any type of movie..but i love horror flix..i aint neva scared
friends...sex and the city...real world..road rules..battle of the sexes..rap city...one bad trip..punk'd...106th&park...good morning la...pimp my ride..my bestfriend..motormouth..boiling point..newly weds..national geographic..discovery channel..inferno..and cartoons OH PINOYTV AND TFC..
guess how much i love you..chicken soup for the soul..45,000names for babies worldwide..happiest baby on the block
my lovely daughter ayana and rod my best