LIVING FULLY ALIVE, the life that GOD designed me to live. Most things active... Snowboarding, rock climbing, triathlon... Most things non-active... sleeping, learning about who GOD designed me to be.... Intellectual activity... reading, learning, contemplating, shooting people with love bullets
My future self, to hopefully become a better me. My father when he was young. Paul. My kids...oh, and thier mother - really looking forward to that.
Ben Hernandez and Nathan James, Pinback, No Knife, Mars Volta.....Favorite vocalists/musicians: Milton Caylor, Brad Nowell, Cedric Bixler, Adam Ulm on occasion
You know, the usual: Dead Poets Society, Tombstone, the Princess Bride, We were soldiers, Red Cell, Fear and Loathing...
I like to watch the TV when it's not on
The Bible(specifically James, usually my fave), Wild at heart, Captivating, The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged (anything Ayn Rand), etc... Magazines: Triathlete Mag - makes me faster
Martin Luther, Stephen (Acts 6-7), Job, my Grandfather who left a huge legacy of love and faith, and last but not least, my Dad (not only because he produced me, which makes him very cool, but also because He's an awesome, strong man of God like the other men in this list).....and the ultimate image of masculinity and strength JESUS!