people watching. it's pretty much the top thing you can do. i also like helping little old ladies across the street, throwing stuff at jerks, and taking pictures of mullets. my most favorite thing to do is to dress up in '70's gear and go dancing at local clubs while pretending that every song is disco. travel is cool. my favorite destination so far is Costa Rica.
If you think you can help my in my diabolical quest to wrest power from Tom and rule myspace... you may send me a "friend" request. My henchman Mustafa will be screening all applicants.from now on... if you send me a "friend" request, you must also send a message explaining your favorite thing about my profile. if you're fun, irreverant and lack cooth, then you're my type. all joking aside, LET ME MAKE THIS VERY CLEAR. DON'T SEND A FRIEND REQUEST WITHOUT A MESSAGE. i do actually communicate with people here and i'm not interested in your music or being part of your "friend collection" unless you are interested in me. if you can't communicate before we are friends... what should make me think you will after i accept? no request will be considered without a message from you.
You may also leave me a message on my refrigerator here.
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Whoa! Looks like I am popular on the East Coast. Crazy.
first off, anything with cowbell rules! but aside from that, good music is good music reguardless of the genre. some of my favorites include Pearl Jam, U2, Jack J., Nora Jones, Coldplay and stuff like that. on occasion i've been known to prank call people with "name that tune" games... tell them it's something they know, then play zydeco music and inform them that they lost when they don't have the first clue what it is. ah Rockin' Dopsie and the Zydeco Twisters. so much fun. great zydeco band too. i also like to play my guitar and make stuff up, but i doubt you'd want to hear that. oh, a side note that is quite important. Greg Laswell is just plain good. if you haven't yet, check out his stuff. if he doesn't make it big, then Britany Spears has jaded us all.
wedding crashers is almost too funny. words cannot describe the genius of Dumb & Dumber. i think that nearly every word, pause and facial expression in that entire movie is nothing short of hilarious. i am also a huge fan of Ancorman. "Hey everybody, come over here and see how good I look." yeah, i love the dry, sarcastic humor of one Will the man Farrell. Scrumtrelecent! lest i leave everyone thinking that i only like the jokes, i also like "The Hunt for the Red October, "The Usual Suspects" and i'm a big fan of "Tombstone".
i'm deep. i don't know if i should even admitt the stuff i read. really, is anyone attracted to a guy who enjoys a good philosophy book? Ok, i will admitt that i often referance Dating for Idiots and How to win Friends and Influence Girls.
Da children need a hero... stewie griffin "Victory is mine!" Ah, Turd Ferguson! I'd say Jesus, but He's not my hero, He's my God.